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I Believe !

I believe in my Father God, the Creator of all things
I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ, His Son Who is my King,
I believe in the cleansing power of Christ’s truly Precious Blood
That He poured out on Calvary’s Cross, for me in His Unfailing Love.
I believe that He died for you, I believe that He died for me
I believe that He died on the Cross, for all of lost humanity,
Yet I believe He rose from the grave, having defeated death’s painful sting
As our Saviour Who in His Love, redeemed all Creation from sin!
So Praise be to our Father God,  Praise be to Christ our King
To Him be all Glory and Honour, with a heart of thanksgiving,
Throughout everyday continually, wherever I may happen to be
For His Unfailing Love and Amazing Grace and for His Boundless Mercy!

©  [ Neil Hodgson 6/6/2010]

Lord I Asked !

Lord I asked for strength, that I might stand, I asked for guidance, by Your Hand;
Lord I asked for wisdom, true Wisdom from You, I asked for direction, as to what I must do,
Lord I asked for the enabling, to face another day, I asked for Your leading, along life's way,
Lord I asked for the ability, that I might cope, I asked in faith and put in You my hope.
Lord out of Love, You heard my cry, You brought true Peace, yet I wondered why,
For whatever reason, I do not know, I doubted You cared, yet this was not so,
For all the time You indeed cared for me and out of love, responded to my plea,
You answered my prayers, but in an unexpected way and stood close by me, both night and day.

Even when my faith wavered, You stood by me, You guided my steps, when I could not see,
And when I fell down, You again lifted me, You opened my eyes and helped me to again see,
Forgive me O Lord, I now ask of You, for doubting You cared, for me as You do,
For questioning Your Love, how could I be so wrong, for when I was weak, You made me so strong.
And with me each day, You've walked ever close by, as I have faced many hardships, and so often cried,
Why is this Lord, so happening this way and will I be able, to see through this day?
Now as I look back, as the days have passed by, I can see You were ever, yes ever so nigh;
To be my companion, my very Dear Friend, Whose Boundless Love for me, shall I know never end.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 24/8/95 ]

     For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to       give you an expected end.
Then shall you call upon Me, and you shall go and pray unto Me, and I will hearken unto you.
 And you shall seek Me, and you shall find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart.
                         Jeremiah  29:11-13

As for me, I will behold Your Face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Your likeness Lord.   Psalm 17:15


      Now faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen.     
Hebrews 11:1

               Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord          Romans 5:1

When I was only a young boy I became aware that there was something beyond this life that I was living here on earth.  When I heard about Jesus, I had a measure of faith in my life that lead me to ask Jesus into my life as a child as my Saviour and when I did He came into my life.

As I grew in years so did my faith in Him and as a young teenager one day I was able to understand that Jesus was not just my Saviour, but also my closest friend and it was then that I asked Him to become Lord of my Life from that day on.

Since then my faith has at times wavered, but little by little with my life’s experiences as I have grown closer to Him, so my faith has grown also and today I would rather be no where than where I am with my Lord Jesus Christ today.

The purpose for this website is to share with people like yourself who are searching for answers to life in the hope that you will be prompted to seriously considering asking my Lord Jesus Christ into your life one day to also become your Lord and Saviour and forever your closest and dearest friend.

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                                    Psalm 23       A Psalm of David.  

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures

He leads me beside the still waters. He restores soul: He leads me in the paths

of righteousness for His Name's sake.

Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me.

                                  You prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:

                                              You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

                                 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

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Throughout my life I have been learning little by little what being a Christian means and what it requires of me. I am so glad to say that the more I have learnt, the more I am so glad that one day I chose to ask Jesus into my  life as my Lord and Saviour and He has become my dearest Friend too. 

Everyday I come to understand a little more what the Lord is doing in my life and why He is doing those things and I hold onto the belief that Jesus sees the finished work while all I often see, I struggle to make sense out of it, but little by little it is becoming more clearer to me.


My Life Is Like A Tapestry Lord !

My life is like a tapestry Lord, being woven by Your Hands,
Often all I see are knots and loose ends and I struggle to understand,
In Your eyes You have a vision Lord, of the finished work in my life,
While all I see by my own eyes, is confusion and seeming strife.
When I look upon Your Work O Lord, I am confused by what I see,
Yet as You open my eyes by the Holy Spirit, I see what You're doing in me,
Throughout my lifetime O Lord, You give me glimpses along the way,
Of the finished work of Your Hands, You give me New Hope each day.
A Hope O Lord that comes from You, as You watch over me from above;
A Hope O Lord that grows each day, as You work in me in Love.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 11/4/93 ]

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Throughout my life in my walk with my Lord Jesus, He has always close beside me to uphold and keep me safe, to watch over me and lift me up every time I should fall because He is my Good Shepherd Who daily watches over me and so keeps me safe. Every time that I am too weak to take the next step He is always there to lift me up and strengthen me to take the next step. Will you today so allow Him to become your  friend and Good Shepherd too. The choice is now yours.


Stepping  Stones !

In my life are many stepping stones, I must try to walk along,
By myself Lord I am so weak, through You I am made strong,
These stepping stones are the tests, You allow me daily to face,
And are the trials of my faith, as You carry me by Your Grace.
These stepping stones can be tiny hills, or giant mountains too,
How I face them in my daily walk, depends on how I lean on You,
These stepping stones can be a barrier, or a path that leads to You,
For when I lean on You in faith, You Lord do lead me through.
These stepping stones can be a door, by which I may enter in,
To partake of life that is eternal, with You my Lord and King.

©  [ Neil Hodgson. 15/4/93 ]

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I believe in my Father God, the Creator of all things
I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ, His Son Who is my King,
I believe in the cleansing power of Christ’s truly Precious Blood
That He poured out on Calvary’s Cross, for me in His Unfailing Love.
I believe that He died for you, I believe that He died for me
I believe that He died on the Cross, for all of lost humanity,
Yet I believe He rose from the grave, having defeated death’s painful sting
As our Saviour Who in His Love, redeemed all Creation from sin!
So Praise be to our Father God,  Praise be to Christ our King
To Him be all Glory and Honour, with a heart of thanksgiving,
Throughout everyday continually, wherever I may happen to be
For His Unfailing Love and Amazing Grace, for His Boundless Mercy!

My prayer is my Lord Jesus Christ that in the lives of many who lead to this website that there shall indeed be a final awakening that will cause multitudes to turn to You either for the first time or to make a recommitment to You and in so doing ultimately become another one of Your Redeemed Children. Amen

My Prayer Today Is !

My prayer is my Lord that there shall be a final awakening

In the hearts of many, who are yet today lost in sin,

As this website is launched to testify to them of You

As I do it in Love, thanks and honour unto You my King.

Yes unto You my Lord Jesus Christ, Who in Love died for me

Two thousand years ago upon Calvary's Cross,

Now I pray that by Your Spirit through these Words He has inspired me to write

Will reach out to and minister to many who are yet lost.

That as each one of them read these Words I have written down

Will find within their spirit a deep, deep stirring,

And a turning away from their lives that are today bound in sin

To become children of God, through You Lord Jesus Christ my King. !!!

To You be all the Glory, Honour Praise and Majesty,

Jesus Christ, the Lord of lords and King of kings for eternity. AMEN

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     My Friend What Is Your Destiny ?

     I ask you today, what is your destiny in time
     Beyond whatever tomorrow, may so bring my friend,
     Do you have a hope, beyond when you will die
     Or do you think that life, will simply come to an end?
    My Friend what hope, do you hold onto today
    Yes at this time, as to what will become of you,
    When you pass away, as you one day will
    Just as I know, that I will one day too?
    My friend can you say, with any certainty
    What will become of you, when you do die,
    Have you ever heard, of my Lord Jesus Christ
    Who is waiting for you, to allow Him to draw nigh.
    Know this my friend, that my Friend Jesus
    Yes Jesus Christ, who is my beloved Lord and King too,
    Stands by and walks with me His son everyday
    He so wants to stand by and walk with you my friend too.
    He is my Peace and Hope for each tomorrow
    He is me Peace and Hope, I hold onto everyday,
    And now because of Him I have no fear
    Of when I die my friend, of what may come my way.
    For I daily hold onto all His Promises in His Word
    And I rest in His Arms of Peace, that is beyond my  understanding,
    And claim the Power of Salvation through His Blood
    I ask you now will you let Him come in.
    Yes into your life at this present point in time
    For He is waiting at the door of your heart continually,
    Knocking at the door of your heart today
    If this is what you so want, then say this today with me:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.

By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.

Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

©  [ Neil Hodgson 19/3/2009]


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