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      About Myself !

My name is Neil Hodgson and I live in Albany, Western Australia. I was born in 1954, in Bunbury,
also in Western Australia.

I grew up in a Christian family and gave my heart to the Lord as a young child, but I first came
to truly put my hope and my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour as a young teenager.
At that time I was going to a wonderful Christian Youth Group and at a camp, at a place called
Cherry Tree Pool, in the South West of Western Australia, with a number of other Christians who
like myself were searching for answers to life, I came into a personal relationship with my Lord,
that has grown stronger ever since.

I met my first wife Dawn while at a tertiary institute through a Christian Group that were meeting
regularly on campus in the mid 1970's, and began going to a Pentecostal Church, were married in 1976.
I became Spirit filled in 1978 and over a number of years I began to develop a more personal
relationship with my Lord. Together we had three lovely children who were all born while living in
Perth, Western Australia. Very sadly I was faced with the loss of my wife and our youngest child,
both to cancer in early 1993, only six days apart.

While now I know that God had and has everything in His Hand, I was finding it a great struggle
and it was Dawn's Faith in her Lord Jesus Christ that inspired me to hold on no matter what.
After that time I was really struggling in my faith and began to doubt God's existence and the
Promises in His Word that I had come to believe in over a number of years.

The day following my daughter Tiffany's funeral, which was one week after my wife's, I was so
angry with God and felt so betrayed that I went to bed that night vowing that I would never have
anything to do with God and Jesus ever again. I had made up my mind to turn my back on my faith
and my Lord, but thankfully Jesus Christ never turned His back on me. Praise God!!!
Then just after 5.00am next morning as I awoke I sensed the Lord say to me:

"Neil .....!!!, Who do you have to turn to, but Me your Lord Jesus Christ ?"


To sense the Lord's Presence there in the room with me was incredible that no word could truly
describe my encounter that morning with my Lord, enveloped in His Presence with me in my bedroom
as I lay there overwhelmed and in awe of Him. I knew straight away that it was Jesus Christ
speaking to Me through His Holy Spirit and after a period of time,

I said:
"No One Lord!"

As I did the whole dark cloud lifted off me and my feeling of betrayal and anger left me and so
began the next stage in my journey with my precious Lord. While at times I have felt at times
overwhelmed by things in life and at times disillusioned, I have learnt that Jesus has always
been and still is today right by my side to lift me up when I fall down. He is always there to encourage me through His Holy Spirit when I feel overwhelmed or disillusioned, to daily be my strength and shield. To
carry me when I am too weak or tired, to direct my footsteps when I do not know which way to go,
to provide for me every time I am in need and much, much more.

I am so thankful that over the years this personal relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ has
grown and is daily growing stronger still. I now know that He walks with me everyday and I love
to thank and praise Him no matter where I may be at all times of the day, everyday of the week
and every day of the year.

Then Praise God I met and married my second wonderful wife Val, who has a wonderful love for her
Lord also. Over the past fifteen years we have been walking close to our Lord and believe that one
day we will be in His Presence for the rest of eternity and no longer in our feeble mortal bodies.
My two children on my side of the family and her two daughters on Val's side of the family have all
left home, but our Lord Jesus Christ is the Head our House everyday and it is a wonderful honour
to have Him abiding with us in Spirit daily, twenty four seven, no matter where we may be.

Since around the time of the loss of my first wife and daughter, I have been writing poetry as a
journal of my journey with my Lord, and now I feel lead by the Holy Spirit to write this website
for my Lord to reach out to the needy and disheartened people who are it seems without hope or have
lost what hope they ever did have, in order to challenge, encourage and uplift all those who the
Lord has assured me He will lead to this website in the years to come, including you my friend.

I pray and hope that as you read this poetry and look at the photography that you will find hope
and encouragement and if you haven't already, ask Jesus into your life also.

Jesus Christ is my Friend, my Saviour, My Lord and my King and He is my Good Shepherd Who watches
over me every moment of everyday. He so wants to be yours too, but the choice is yours as to whether
you accept Him into your life or not. Will you now consider this my friend?


I Believe !

I believe, yes I believe in Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God,
I believe that the path we now must walk, is the path that He has also trod,
I believe, yes I believe in Jesus, I believe He is both Lord and King,
I believe He is ever close by, in every situation we are daily in.
I believe, yes I believe in Jesus, I believe He both rules and reigns,
I believe He brings comfort and relief, amidst all daily anguish and pain,
I believe, yes I believe in Jesus, I believe He lives forevermore,
I believe that in Him we find salvation, from sin which has bound us before.
I believe, yes I believe in Jesus, I believe He has set us all free,
I believe He has conquered both sin and death, for all eternity.
I believe, yes I believe in Jesus, I believe He redeemed us at Calvary
I believe, yes I believe in Jesus, will you now believe in Him like me?

©[ Neil Hodgson. 15/12/93 ]

The Lord's My Shepherd !

Dear Lord You are my Caring Shepherd, You lead me, I will not fear,
You comfort and protect me daily, as You are always near,
You lead me in paths of righteousness, where I may dwell in Your Peace,
You lead me beside still waters Lord, with Love that shall never cease.

You lead me gently onward my Lord, You guide me on by Your Hand,
I will never have any fear of evil, as with You I learn to stand,
Your Rod and Staff so comfort me, through the trials along the way,
Your Goodness and Mercy follows me, through my life each and everyday.

You anoint my head with oil Lord, my cup runs over from above,
I now shall dwell in Your house forever my Lord, enveloped in Your Arms of love.
Dear Lord You are my caring Shepherd, You keep me safe from harm,
You watch over me day and night, You have me forever secure in Your Palm.

        ©[ Neil Hodgson. 25/4/93 ]                                                                                                                                                                                                    return to TOP

Resting In Peace !

At this time of grief O Lord
Having lost my beloved wife,
I know without any wavering
Dawn has passed into eternal life

I know my Lord, and my King
Dawn has passed beyond the veil,
Where you embraced her in Your arms

With love that shall never fail.
I know my Lord, and my King
That Dawn suffers pain no more,
For the sickness with which she battled
Has been dealt with once and for all.
I know my Lord, and my King
I will soon see Dawn again,
Dwelling in a healthy new body
Totally free from pain.
And now O Lord I thank you
That you have ended all the strife,
As I commit into Your keeping
My dearly beloved wife.

©[ Neil Hodgson. 1/3/93 ]

(Written sitting beside Dawn a short while after she went to be with her Lord)

                                                                                                                         A Precious Gem !

On this day of grief O Lord
I struggle to know what to say,
Please help me Lord to lean on You
Please guide me Lord I pray.
As I think of all our life together
I struggle to understand,
But of this one thing I now am sure
That Tiffany is in Your Hands.

As I now think with much grief
That she is no longer with me,
I know that one day soon my Lord
I will see her totally free.
Totally free from sickness and pain
No longer bound by cancer,
For Lord You've taken her home with You
And You've totally healed her.

And now O Lord as I think of her
I see her running free,
Amidst the tall and colourful flowers
She is a gem, I will soon again see.
I hear her happy voice O Lord
Always having such fun,
She always so uplifted me
I felt as if we were one.

And now O Lord as we press on
Knowing that she is with You,
Please strengthen us each day Lord
Until our time comes too.
Our time to leave this mortal body
And ascend into heaven with You,
With the assurance of Your presence Lord
Please help us see each day through.

 ©[ Neil Hodgson. 7/3/93 ](The morning of Tiffany's passing away)                                                                                                                                                                                     return to TOP


In my daily walk I have a hope within me that comes from my Lord Jesus Christ, that enables me to
no matter what the circumstance that life’s journey is taking me through, to live everyday with a
hope of life beyond death, a life that is eternal, a life without suffering and pain, but most
importantly a life in the presence of our Father God, through my Lord Jesus Christ. It is a sense
of this hope within me that enables me to face everyday knowing that there awaits for every believer
a life of Hope that will never end.

Hope, Peace and Joy !

There is a Hope that comes from God
There is a Peace only He can bring,
There is a Joy that is unspeakable
That comes from Jesus, our Lord and King.
It is Hope that fades not away
It is a Peace that dispels all fear,
It is a Joy that comes through knowing
That He in His Love is ever near.

There is a strength that comes from God
There is a faith by which we are blessed,
There is an endurance we've been given in love
In Christ is found eternal rest.
It is a strength that helps us each day
It is a faith that helps us stand,
It is an endurance that will never fail
As Jesus leads us on by His hand.

 ©[ Neil Hodgson. 24/4/93 ]



The Love of God toward me and to every believer is indescribable, but I know that I know that even
before I was in my mother's womb, God knew me and He loved me so much that He had sent His Son Jesus
Christ into the world over two thousand years ago to redeem me and yes you also if you'll believe on
Jesus, back to Himself. God's Love is unconditional and it is poured out everyday upon all of His
Creation for everyone of us to receive from Him if only we would first believe on Jesus Christ His
Son as our Lord and Saviour.   


Your Love O Lord !

Your Love O Lord, is like a mighty sea
That breaks daily upon my shore;
Your Love O Lord, comes in great waves
It has and will forevermore.
Your Love O Lord, is immeasurable
It comes in abundance everyday;
Your Love O Lord, has no bounds
But is free to all along the way.

We are each like a small island
Surrounded by Your Sea of Love;
Daily washed as You touch our shores
You watch over us from above.
We are daily being changed O Lord
As You break on and wash our shores;
That we O Lord may come to where
We bear Your image forevermore.

We are daily being washed ever clean
Through the power of Your Blood;
To change us Lord into Your image
To be expressions of Your Love.
A Love O Lord that shall never fail
But will for eternity be;
A Love O Lord that comes from Your heart
To flow each day through me.

                                                                                                     ©[ Neil Hodgson. 7/4/93 ]

                                                                                                                                                                                                         return to TOP

I Am So Thankful Lord !

I am so thankful Lord, that when You knocked upon
The door of my heart, I then let You in,
Not to just be a guest, in my life for a time
But to become forever my Lord and my King.
I am so thankful my Lord that the door I did open
And in my so doing You entered in through it one day,
Not just to be a visitor in my life for a time
But as my Lord and my King forever to stay.
As my Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ my King
As my Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ my Friend,
As my Beloved, Lord Jesus Christ for eternity
Whose Grace is unfailing and whose Love is without end.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 2/11/2008]


There Is Only One Way !!!

There is only one Way, to bridge the Great Divide
Between God and man and every one must decide,
To step onto that Bridge, which is Jesus Christ the King
Or remain where they are now, forever as slaves of sin.
Yes as slaves of sin my friend, for all eternity yet to come
Or become a child of God, through Christ, God’s Son,
Yes as a slave of sin destined for, damnation for eternity
Or as one of God’s Children, through the Cross of Calvary.

Through the Blood that was shed, on the Cross for man’s sins
So that through Christ’s Blood, every believer could begin,
Along the road, yes the Cross, to take them across the Great Divide
Now my friend the choice is yours to make, now you must decide.
As to whether to believe in Jesus Christ and so ask Him into
Your life today so that He may, then also become for you,
Your Saviour and Your Lord, yes your Redeemer today
If this is what you now so want, then with me say:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

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