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Life's Road !
Life's road is often very winding
Where it leads to we often don't know,
But as we walk along it each day
Where it leads helps as we grow.
Life's road will take us to many places
Some that we have not seen before,
The experiences we have as we journey on it
Will stay with us forever more.
Life's road will lead to many experiences
That will affect us for the rest of our life,
As it did for me almost a year ago
When I lost my daughter and wife.
Life's road will take us through experiences
Which until we've faced, no one knows,
How we will each cope with what we face
Daily as we each grow.
Life's road will lead to many encounters
Some are happy while others are sad,
And amidst all those that I have faced
Knowing Jesus has made me glad.
Life's road has lead me along pathways
That I hoped I would never be on,
Yet despite all that I have encountered along them
In my weakness I now feel strong.
Life's road has not always been easy
And at times very hard to face,
Yet as I look back I say thank You Lord
That You have kept me each day by Your Grace.
Life's road has had many valleys
And many hills along the way,
I thank You Lord that amidst each one
Close by me You always did stay.
[ Neil Hodgson. 12/1/94 ]
Times And Seasons !
As times and seasons come each year
We each do daily grow,
As we learn from every experience
We find through which we go.
As times and seasons come and go
We find God's Love so true,
His steadfast Love which never ceases
Is free for both me and you.
As times and seasons come each year
We are daily kept by God's grace,
Safe in the palm of His loving hands
As He helps us through all we face.
As times and seasons come and go
God's Mercies are every true,
They are new and fresh every morning
And abound for me and you.
As times and seasons come each year
Our vision grows stronger each day,
As God in His Love, His Grace and Mercy
Guides us each step of the way.
As times and seasons come and go
When things are hard to understand,
May we by faith rest in God each day
And never ever let go of His Hand.
As times and seasons come each year
Lord, may we never turn away,
From serving You with all our heart and soul
And give thanks to You each day.
As times and seasons come and go
May we Jesus to You our Lord and King
Bring wherever we may each be
Christ to You Praise with Thanksgiving.
[ Neil Hodgson. 16/1/94 ]
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Step By Step !
Step by step, day by day
I have come to learn from You,
That Lord amidst all that I have faced
You've been there to help me through.
Step by step, day by day
I have learnt to face each day,
Knowing that I am not alone
As by me You always did stay.
Step by step, day by day
When the loneliness was so strong,
You met me in my lonely times
And helped me daily press on.
Step by step, day by day
In each step I've had to do,
I've found the strength and courage needed
As I've come to lean on You.
Step by step, day by day
The pathway's not always been clear
And in Your Love You guided me Lord
As You stayed ever so near.
Step by step, day by day
As my needs I've brought before You,
You have helped me meet those very needs
And to see each new day through.
Step by step, day by day
You uphold me Lord by Grace,
As I daily seek to serve You
And behold You face to face.
Step by step, day by day
You keep me safe continually
You envelope me in Your Arms of Love
And Mercy wherever I may be.
[ Neil Hodgson. 11/2/94 ]
Life's Winding Road
Life's road at times is very winding Lord
Life's hills often very steep to climb,
Life's valleys are often very deep to cross
And darkness comes for a time.
Yet overtime I have learnt my Lord
That You're never far away,
To help me when I need uplifting
To be my guide each day.
And when the darkness has been all about
And as far as I could see,
You brought into my life New Hope O Lord
And assurance unto me.
That as I look to You each day
You would lead me by Your Hand,
And when in my weakness I do fall
You will again help me to stand.
Yes You would help me to stand my Lord
When I am yet too weak to stand,
As I reach out to You by faith believing
That You would never let go of my hand.
That You would never leave nor forsake me
As I daily look to You,
For the strength to face life's winding road
Wherever it takes me to.
For when the darkness is around me Lord
And I look to You each day,
By faith, You'll be my Guiding Light
Each step along the way.
Soon the darkness will begin to go
And I'll see the path I'm on,
As You give me strength and hope enough
To continue again to press on.
© [
Neil Hodgson. 7/6/94 ]
Lord You've Always Been There !
Dear Lord as I've cried out to You at times
When so much has happened to me,
You reached down to me in Your Love
And daily helped me to see.
That all that You have allowed me Lord
Throughout my life to face,
Has not ever been without a purpose
As You've carried me by Your Grace.
So often Lord I have
struggled to bear
The dealings You've taken me through,
Yet as I look back over all my life
You've always been there too.
To carry me Lord when I was so weak
That no longer could I stand,
And to guide me Lord when I was lost
As You lead me by Your Hand.
To encourage me when I became discouraged
To keep me safe Lord night and day,
To provide for me always in my times of need
Amidst every need that so came my way.
To be my strength, to be my shield,
To lift me up every time I fall my Lord
To feed my spirit and quench my daily thirst
Each day through Your Holy Word.
[ Neil Hodgson. 7/6/94 ]
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