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Your Spirit Blow !
From the valleys to the mountains
May our praises Lord rise to You,
From the mountains to the valleys
May Your Spirit blow anew.
Bringing with it a refreshing Lord
That so enables us each day,
To rise and glorify You
Amidst all life brings our way.
May Your light shine forth in the darkness
May it cause all darkness to flee,
So that Lord as in our lives You work
It is You not us others see.
In such a way that others will be challenged
To cry out to You and seek Your face,
To surrender their lives to You as their King
And Lord of their lives by Your grace.
As Lord we walk the way of the cross
Which You Lord Jesus first trod,
May Your will and not ours be done
For this we pray Father God.
[ Neil Hodgson. 27/2/2000
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To The
Mountains !
From the valleys to the mountains
May our praises Lord we pray,
Amidst the darkness we each must face
So rise to You Lord each day.
From the valleys to the mountains
As life's hurdles we embrace,
May we Lord as we hold onto You
Be upheld each day by Your grace.
From the valleys to the mountains
As life's mountains we each ascend,
Like the deer panting after the water-brook
May we too on You Lord so depend.
From the valleys to the mountains
As we grow closer to You each day,
May we become changed and ever more like You
To become vessels of honour we pray.
From the valleys to the mountains
May our praises to You Lord so ring,
For You're indeed worthy of honour and praise
Our Lord, our Saviour and King.
[ Neil Hodgson. 2/7/2000 ]

O Son
of God, O Son of God !
O Son of God, O Son of God
Our Redeemer, Christ our King,
As we bow down before You now
May our praises to You ring.
May they be as sweet incense Lord
May they be every day,
Pure and Holy as they rise up
Unto You Christ we pray.
May they bring delight to You
May they not ever cease,
To flow from our heart unto You
Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace.
[ Neil Hodgson. 27/2/2006 ]
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Jesus Your Name Is So Wonderful !
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful
You're the Bright Morning Star,
You are my ever caring true Shepherd
You're close by and never afar.
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful
You're the Lilly of the Valley,
You are the beautiful Rose of Sharon
You daily abide close to me.
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful
You're my strength each day,
You're the eternal Rock of all Ages
You guide me each step of the way.
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful
You're my Everlasting Peace,
You are my place of daily refuge
You're my Joy that shall never cease.
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful
You're the source of God's Grace,
You are my everything everyday Lord
You uphold me amidst all I face.
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful
May I never cease to say,
Thank You O Lord for all Your provisions
You bestow on me everyday.
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful,
May it be exalted in all I do,
And from deep within my heart and soul
I again Lord say thank You.
Jesus Your Name is so wonderful
May it be glorified I pray,
Wherever I am, whoever I am with
In all I daily do and say.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 4/12/94 ]

Jesus You Are The Same !
Jesus You are the same
Each and every day,
You walk with me and talk with me
Along life's winding way.
Jesus You are the same
Your Love Lord has no end,
You commune with me day by day
As my truly dearest friend.
Jesus You are the same
Unbounded is Your Amazing Grace,
You equip me for each task
You allow me each day to face,
Jesus You are the same
Your Mercy is just and true,
You have so much for all who believe
And put all their trust in You.
Jesus You are the same
You satisfy my every desire,
You in Love meet my every need
As daily You take me higher.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 23/4/95 ]
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