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Teach me Your Ways !

Teach me Your Ways, my Lord and my King
To walk in Your Ways, in order to bring,
To You all the Glory, the Honour and the Praise
As You work in my life, as You change me I pray.
As You change me I pray, to become ever more like You
As You change me I pray, so that in all I come to do,
As You change me I pray, so that in all I come to say
Will truly Exalt and Glorify, Your Holy Name everyday.
Yes exalt and Glorify, Your Holy Name Lord Jesus Christ
Amidst all that I both do and say throughout my daily life,
No matter where at each moment, I may so happen to be
For You are my Lord and my King from here to eternity.

© Neil Hodgson. 15/2/2010









To Reject Me, Lord Jesus Christ!

To reject Me, Lord Jesus Christ, as both your Lord and King
Would mean that you would remain, forevermore a slave of sin,
Yes a slave of sin, destined for all eternity
In bondage to sin and as a consequence, be never ever free.
To accept Me Lord Jesus, as both your Lord and King
Would mean that you would forever, become free from sin,
No longer a slave to sin, but a Child of God for eternity
Of God My Father through My Blood, I shed for you on Calvary.

Now it is up to you to choose, My precious child today
To accept Me as Your Redeeming Saviour, or to again turn away,
From all the Promises and Blessings, for you to receive
If you would now turn from sin, and in Me so believe.
Now the reason My child, that you are here today
Is that I may speak to You and that all you hear Me say
Will cause a deep stirring within you, yes within your spirit today
If you want Me to come into you life, then before My Father God say:

[As I truly believe was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Amen!]


I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

[ Neil Hodgson 2/2/2009]


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