Change Me My Lord
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Change Me My Lord
Change Me My Lord poems
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Vessels Of Clay !
Lord You turned the water into wine
Within the vessels of clay,
This was the first of many such miracles
That still go on today.
For we too are each a living miracle
Created by our Father's own Hand,
Each with a purpose, unique and important
In the eyes of God, Who with us does stand.
Lord as we drink of the Water of Your Word
And drink of Your Word more each day,
So that Water will be turned into wine
Within us, Your vessels of clay.
Vessels Lord who You desire to use
If we're willing to yield unto You,
By the leading of the Holy Spirit each day
In all that we say and we do.
Lord may we walk daily and abide in You
And allow You to mould us each day,
As vessels of honour to shine forth in Your likeness
From what once, were vessels of clay.
[ Neil Hodgson. 26/3/95 ]
Search Me O My
God !
Psalm 139
O Lord You have searched and known me
And are acquainted with all my ways
You understand my thoughts afar off too,
You know my sitting down, and my rising up each day
Not a word on my tongue is hid from You.
You comprehend my path Lord and my daily lying down
You have hedged me both behind and before,
Upon me You’ve laid Your Hand, to know is wonderful
It’s so high I cannot attain it Christ my Lord.
Where can I go Lord from Your Spirit or where to can I flee
For from Your Presence there is no where I can go,
Into heaven or into hell, or the uttermost parts of the sea
Even there Your Hand shall lead me Lord I know.
I will praise You My Lord for marvelous are Your very works
Fearfully and wonderfully made, by Your hands I’ve been wrought
Though I was made in secret, in the lowest parts of the earth
Yet Your eyes saw me before out of there I was brought.
Out of Love You Lord fashioned me, that my soul knows well
How precious are Your thoughts towards me each day,
Search me O my God, try me and know my heart
In the Way of Life Everlasting, lead me Lord I pray.
© [ Neil
Hodgson. 20/9/2004 ]
In The
Refiner’s Fire My Lord !
Lord You have us all in the Refiner’s Fire,
To so burn away all of the dross and the mire,
Lord You so have us now in the Fire today,
To burn all our filth and impurities away.
Until all You see is a reflection of Your Face,
In us as we walk Lord in Your Amazing Grace,
Until all You see is a clear reflection of You,
In all that we both say and do.
So Lord now do as You must do today,
To change us to become more like You we pray,
So that we may truly reflect my King,
Your Face Jesus our Lord in everything,
Yes everything we both do and say,
Christ in every step along life’s way,
As we come to live first and foremost for You,
With willing hearts ever faithful and true.
[ Neil Hodgson 22/7/2008 ]
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