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 A New Hope My Lord !

Lord You have brought into my life, a peace I cannot explain,
That goes beyond all my understanding, amidst all the loss and pain,
The loss of those whom I so loved, why You took them I do not know,
Except it has made me run deeper into You and helped me Lord to grow.
Lord You have brought into my being, a joy that for so long was gone,
When You brought into my life my wife to be, that has caused me to now press on,
Knowing Lord that all has not been in vain, all that I have gone through,
As You have opened many new doors before me, as I've daily looked to You.

Lord You have brought into my being, a hope that comes from You,
That has given me a purpose to again press on, after all that I've been through,
A hope that has given my life a purpose, a hope that once was lost,
And is now again in my life O Lord, for which You paid the cost.
Lord You have brought into my being, a desire to serve You more,
That came into my life so long ago and is now stronger than ever before,
For as I look back I see how You've kept me, in my lifetime along the way,
As my dearest friend amidst all I went through, by me You always did stay.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 28/5/94 ]

When Faced With Tragedy !

When faced with tragedy in your life, you can do one of two things,
Be overwhelmed in the depths of despair, or rise up and press on once again.
When faced with tragedy in your life and at times overwhelmed by grief,
You can attempt to face it alone, or turn to God for relief.
When faced with tragedy in your life, as happened to me eighteen months ago,
When I lost my beloved wife and daughter, God stood close by me I know.
When faced with tragedy in my life and enduring the suffering I did face,
I thank God for standing by me in love, to uphold me each day by His grace.
When faced with tragedy in your life, God will help You to rise up again,
Out of the valley of the depth of despair, as to turn to Him amidst the pain.

©  [ Neil Hodgson. 29/8/94 ]

How Could I In My Grief And Pain ?

If not for Your Love O Lord, If not for Your Amazing Grace,
How could I in my grief and pain, face what I so now face,
If not for Your ever presence Lord, if not for Your caring each day,
How could I in my grief and pain, face what comes my way.
If not for Your daily goodness Lord, if not for Your Love for me,
How could I in my grief and pain, face and know one day I'll be free,
If not for the fact my Lord Jesus, that at Calvary You suffered and died for my sin,
I could not stand here today claiming forever, to be a child of the King.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 11/12/94 ]

    My Life's Destiny My Lord !

Tears of joy, tears of deep sorrow, mingled together as I look to tomorrow,
When the sting of death has taken its blow, once again Lord in someone I closely know,
Why this must be in time I'll know too, as daily I do grow yet closer to You,
As You walk with me along my life's road, as You out of Love help me bear the load.
That by myself I'm unable to do, yet I'm able to endure thanks Lord to You,
As You out of Love help me to stand, as truly my destiny is in Your Hands.
Your Hands of Love first stretched out to me, when I was blind and could not see,
When I as a child was lost indeed, when You promised to meet my every need.
As I reached out to You by faith each day, as my Saviour along my life's way,
As my Provider, my very Dearest Friend, Who would walk with me daily from beginning to end.
To keep me safe from the dangers around, that cross my path and at times abound,
To keep me from falling to rise once again, amidst the anguish, amidst the pain.
That life does bring with its ups and downs too, that You O Lord allow me to go through,
Wherever life's road may so take me, as I walk with You towards my life's destiny.

© [ Neil. Hodgson. 8/6/97 ]

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