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Ask, and it shall
be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be
opened unto you: Have faith and fear not,
take courage in the Word of God, for all things are yours in
Christ. Matthew 7:7
Who I Am In Christ !
I am today accepted, for I am now a child of God |
John 1:2 |
I am today accepted, for I am Jesus Christ’s true friend,
John 15:15 |
I am today accepted, for I have been redeemed in Love |
Colossians 1:14 |
I am today accepted, for I’ve been forgiven of all my sin. |
Colossians 1:14 |
I am today accepted, for I have been justified |
Romans 5:1 |
I am today accepted, for I am united with the Lord, |
1Corinthians 6:17 |
I am today accepted, I am adopted into God’s Family |
Ephesians 1:5 |
I am today accepted, bought for a price I belong to God. |
1Corinthians 6:20 |
I am today accepted, I am a member of the Body of Christ
1Corinthians 12:27 |
I am today accepted, I am a saint through Christ my King, |
Ephesians1:1 |
I am today accepted, for I am one in Spirit with Him today |
1Corinthians 6:17 |
I have access to the Father through the Holy Spirit within. |
Ephesians 2:18 |
I am today secure, for I am now complete in Christ I know |
Colossians 2:10 |
I am today secure, I’m hidden with Jesus Christ in God, |
Colossians 3:3 |
I am today secure, I’m free from condemnation through Christ
Romans 8:1,2 |
I am today secure, I cannot be separated from God’s Love. |
Romans 8:35-39 |
I am today secure, I can find God’s Mercy in my time of need |
Hebrews 4:16 |
I am today secure, I have not been given the spirit of fear, |
2 Timothy 1:7 |
I am today secure, I’ve been given power, love and a sound mind
2 Timothy 1:7 |
I am today secure, I know that the Spirit of Christ is ever
near. |
Romans 8:11 |
I am today secure, I’ve been established, anointed and sealed by
God |
2 Corinthians1:21,22 |
I am today secure, I’m born of God and the evil one cannot touch
me, |
1 John 5:18 |
I am today secure, for I am today a citizen of Heaven through
Christ |
Philippians 3:3 |
I’m confident that the good work God’s begun, will be perfected
in me. |
Philippians 1:6 |
I am significant today, as I am the salt and the life of the
earth |
Matthew 5:13,14 |
I am significant today, as I am a personal witness of Christ, |
Acts 1:8 |
I am significant today, as I am a branch of the True Vine |
John 15:1-5 |
I am significant today, as I am a channel of His Everlasting
Life. |
John 15:1-5 |
I am significant today, as I am a temple of God
1Corinthians 3:16 |
I am significant today, as I have been chosen by Him, |
John 15:16 |
I am significant today, as I am appointed to bear the fruit of
the Spirit
John 15:16 |
I am significant today, as I now can through Him do all things |
Philippians 4:13 |
I am significant today, through Christ Who strengthens me |
Philippians 4:13 |
I am significant today, I’m a minister of reconciliation for
God, |
2Corinthians5:17-21 |
I am significant today, as I am one of God’s
co-workers |
2Corinthians6:1 |
I am significant today, as I am the workmanship of God in His
Love. |
Ephesians 2:6 |
I am accepted in Christ, I am secure in Him today too
I am significant in God’s Eyes, so too my friend are you,
Now we can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens you and
And we are through Jesus Christ, forever part of God’s Family.
I am accepted in Christ, I am secure in Him today too
I am significant in God’s Eyes, so too my friend are you,
I am now today a beloved child, of my Creator, my Father God
Who has been redeemed back to Him, out of Grace, Mercy and Love.
Yes forever redeemed back to Him, from the bondage of sin
Through the Precious Blood, of Lord Jesus Christ my King,
Through His Precious Blood, poured out for me on Calvary
Through His Precious Blood, poured out for all of humanity.
© [Neil
Hodgson 5/6/2010] |
Indeed You Came Lord
! ( John 10:10,11)
Indeed You came my
Lord, so that I may so have life
Yes and have Life through You more abundantly,
You were and are still the Good Shepherd Who daily gives life
To everyone who believes and receives including me,
[ Neil Hodgson
9/9/2008 ]
Faith Comes !
Romans 10:17
Faith comes by your hearing
and your hearing by My Word everyday,
Faith comes by your hearing, by your receiving all My Word does say.
Faith comes by your hearing, by your taking My Word deep within,
Daily your spirit, your body and soul and upon My Word continually feeding.
[ Neil Hodgson. 11/8/2008 ]
Beseeched By The
Mercies ! Romans 12:1
Beseeched by the true mercies of God
We are each to so present everyday,
Our whole bodies as a living sacrifice
By allowing our Jesus Christ to so have His Way.
Beseeched by the true mercies of God
We are to present ourselves unto Him,
Holy and acceptable unto our God everyday
In true and reasonable service unto our King.
Neil Hodgson. 4/11/2008
Rich In Mercy !
Ephesians 2:4
God You’re so rich, yes so rich in Your Mercy
That in Your great Love, You have Loved us it is true,
Even when we were all dead unto sin
You made us alive again, together with Jesus Christ who.
Has raised us up to abide with Him together
And made us to also sit at Your Right Hand,
In the Heavenlies to rule and reign with Him
As upon Your Living Word, by faith we daily stand.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 11/11/2008 ]
Amidst The Storms !
Whatever things are gain to me, I counted but loss
A loss for You Christ my Redeemer, who for my sin paid the cost,
I count all things but loss today, for the true Excellency
Of the knowledge of You my Lord, Christ Jesus in me.
For Whom I have suffered, yes the loss of all things
I count them all as waste, so that You Christ I may win,
So I may be found in You, not having in anyway
My own righteousness of the Law, but Yours through faith everyday.
Yes through Your Faith my Christ, the Righteousness of Father God
By faith wherever in my walk today, I may so happen to trod,
That I might know You and so have Your Power within
Yes the Power of Your Resurrection, Christ Jesus my King.
That I might know You Lord, being conformable today unto
Your death so that I might attain, resurrection from the dead through
Not that I have already attained, or am made perfect today
But as I press on so that I may obtain, that for which You attained for me one day.
[ Neil Hodgson. 13/7/2008 ]
Whatever Things !!!
Philippians 4:8,9
Whatever things are clean, whatever things are Holy
Draw upon them everyday, by drawing forever close to Me,
Whatever things are righteous, whatever things are just
To draw upon them everyday, is essential, it is a must.
Whatever things are good, whatever things are pure
Draw upon them continually, stand upon My Word steadfast and sure,
Whatever things life brings your way, whatever they may be
Look not to your own understanding, but by faith look unto Me.
[ Neil Hodgson. 27/112008 ] As I believe was truly inspired by the Holy
Spirit AMEN !!
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if
there be any praise,
think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and
received, and heard,
and seen in me,
Philippians 4:8,9
So That You Might Walk Worthy !
Colossians 1:9-13
So that you might walk worthy of your calling
So that you may be pleasing everyday,
Unto Me your Lord and our Abba Father
Walk in obedience to all My Spirit does say.
As You increase in the knowledge of our Father
And are strengthened daily in His might,
According to His great and glorious Power
Rise up daily and fight the good fight.
As with joyfulness you endure longsuffering
And with patience against it stand daily,
Giving thanks unto your Abba Father
As you walk this road you’re now on with Me.
As you cease not to pray in your journey
With a desire to walk in His Will,
With all wisdom and understanding from Him
For the enabling to in Him, rest and be still.
As I have delivered you out of the powers of darkness
And have translated each one of you to be,
Into My Kingdom , with Me Jesus Christ your Lord
From this day forth, for all eternity.
[ Neil Hodgson. 5/7/2008 ] As I believe
was truly inspired by the Holy Spirit AMEN !!!
Nothing Is Without
Cost !
Nothing of value comes without a cost, nothing is ever really free,
For those things that are everlasting, comes out of hardship for you and me.
Nothing of value comes without a cost, for only in dealings do we come to the place,
Where we find the true values of things in our lives, amidst all that we in life face.
Nothing of value comes without a cost and those things that are worth holding onto,
Are the promises of God to all who believe, made long ago to both you and me.
Nothing of value comes without a cost, including our salvation, our redemption from sin,
For while to every believer it is totally free, it cost our Lord Jesus Christ His everything.
[ Neil Hodgson. 29/7/94 ]
Through You Lord!
Hebrews 10:19-22
Through You the New and Living Way, by Your Blood, Lord Jesus Christ
We can with boldness now, Lord forevermore enter in.
Through Your Mercy and Your Grace, into the Most Holy Place
As children of the Heavenly Father, now redeemed from sin.
As the New and Living Way is You, by which we can enter in through,
Beyond the veil of death and sin, we are now able today,
To with the full assurance of faith, our conscience and bodies washed by
In Mercy enter in through You, the New and Living Way.
© [Neil Hodgson 27/12/2008]
The Race Set before Us !
Hebrews 12:1,2
As Lord we run the race set before us
May we never take our eyes Lord off of You
The Author and Finisher of our Faith
Whose ways are truly Just and True.
Who for the joy set before You
Endured the Cross, despising the shame,
Now You are seated at the Father’s Right Hand
From where in our lives You now rule and reign.
May we Lord lay aside our every weight
And the sin that snares us so easily,
As Lord we run that race set before us
With our upon You always and steadfastly.
[ Neil Hodgson. 16/3/2008 ]
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