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Under the Shadow of His Wings!

Under the shadow of His Wings,
God keeps us safe each day,
No matter the time, or the place we are,
Close by us He does stay,
As we journey on whatever the road,
God is there with us too,
To shield us from the lurking dangers,
Amidst all we go through.

As we move on step by step
And look unto God each day,
He will guide us in our daily walk
Each step along the way.
And while it is that we at times
Find things hard to understand,
Through it all we must neither give up
Nor let go of God's Hand.

And although around us we may only see,
Darkness on every side,
We will find Peace as we rest in Him
And learn to in Him abide.
For He is our only true resting place
And our daily guiding light,
Amidst all we face as we grow each day,
He keeps us day and night.

So now as the new year so begins,
May we look to Him more each day
Much more than we ever have before,
As we walk on day by day.
May we bring God glory in all we say and do,
In all we come to face,  
And acknowledging Jesus as both Lord and King,
Who upholds us each day by Grace.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 1/1/94 ] 


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Refresh Me O Lord !

Refresh my heart O Lord, water the dry barren land,
Refresh my soul O Lord, that with You I may stand,
Refresh my heart O Lord, that new life may spring forth,
Refresh my soul O Lord, to touch those not touched before.
Refresh my heart O Lord, reshape me how You so desire,
Refresh my soul O Lord, that I may climb ever higher,
Refresh my heart O Lord, that I may daily do Your Will,
Refresh my soul O Lord, in life's valleys and life's hills.
Refresh my heart O Lord, to one day behold Your Face,
Refresh my soul O Lord, to be an expression of Your Grace,
Refresh my heart O Lord, to pour out Your Love and Mercy
Refresh my soul O Lord, so that You may flow through me.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 13/4/94 ]





Come Let Us Return !

Come let us return unto the Lord
Unto the Lord our Creator,
He will come to us as rain
Like the refreshing spring rain,
That waters the dry land wherever it falls
And new life so springs forth.
Come let us return unto the Lord
Unto the Lord our Saviour,
Who has made a way for each of us
By which we may enter in,
To that place in the Heavenlies
Where we may dwell with Him.

  © [ Neil Hodgson. 13/4/94 ]

I Believe O Lord !

I believe O Lord in Your Power to heal
I believe in Your Grace to forgive,
That is ever present for all who believe
In You each day as we live.
I believe O Lord that You're ever close by
I believe You're never far away,
That You are ever close to all who believe
And trust in You day by day.
I believe O Lord in Your boundless Mercy
That has no bounds amidst all who believe
    As by us You daily do stay.

                                                                                                                                © [ Neil Hodgson. 29/5/94 ]

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By Our Lord Jesus Christ !

The abundance of God's Grace
The gift of Righteousness,
Shall reign daily in our life,
By our one Lord Jesus Christ,
The Everlasting Peace of God
Comes to all who believe,
As we're justified by faith,
In our Lord Jesus Christ.
As we rejoice daily in the Hope
Of the true Glory of God,
Are we able to stand by Grace,
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sin and death have both been conquered,
The Grace of God reigns,
As we stand righteous before God,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 7/8/94 ]



Ever Close By !

O Lord as You are never far away
Makes me so glad to know,
That in my life day by day
You're ever close by as I grow.
O Lord as You are never far away
You've ever been close by me,
To daily guide, keep and uphold
And by Grace set me free.
O Lord as You are never far away
By me You always do stand,
To be my friend in every circumstance
And uphold me by Your Hand.
O Lord as You are never far away
As I know this is so true,
May I as You so Love and care for me
Never fail to say thank You.

[ Neil Hodgson. 14/9/94 ]



In You We Rest, In You We Hope !

In You we Rest, in You we Hope
O Lord each new day,
As we look to You amidst all we face
And in all that comes our way.
In You we Rest, in You we Hope
O Lord no matter where,
We may be at this stage in life

As we yield unto Your care.
In You we Rest, in You we Hope

O Lord as we grow,
As we seek to do Your Will, not ours
Please guide us everywhere we go.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 28/11/94 ]





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