At Rest In
Him !
Rest In Him
At Rest In
Him poems
A | B
Our Resting Place !
There are many resting places Lord,
that we encounter in our life,
Places where we can know for sure, we are all safe from harm and strife,
Places Lord, where You do dwell and where You do abode,
Places where You uplift us in Love and help us bear the load.
Places where we need not strive, as You enable us to cope,
Places where we can rest in Peace, knowing in You we do have Hope.
Places where we need not worry, nor be overcome by fear,
Places where we can lean on You, for You Jesus are ever near.
Lord I do now know for sure, that as I daily lean on You,
Lord You are my resting place, You help me each day through.
[ Neil Hodgson. 23/3/93 ]
Would It Be So Wonderful ?
Would it be so wonderful, if God answered our every call,
Even when as He already knew, it would at times cause us to
Would it be so wonderful, if God didn't take us through the
Or would be always be overwhelmed, by the burden of dross and
Would it be so wonderful, if we always ascended on high,
For is it not in the valley times, that we find the Lord is
close by?
Would it be so wonderful, if alone we did succeed,
For who would we give the glory to, God, or you and me?
Would it be so wonderful, if He didn't show us the Way,
For who would guide and lead us, each time we went astray?
Would it be so wonderful, if God gave us all things free,
Or would we forget it's true value, the price paid for you and
Would it be so wonderful, if God did all we asked Him to,
For doesn't God in His wisdom, know what is best for me and you?
Instead should we not come to accept, that God does truly know
For only then will we come to know, the true meaning of His
© [ Neil Hodgson.
27/3/93 ]
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Rest !
My Lord I remember how at Calvary, sin was nailed upon the
Death was conquered forever more, in Love, You paid the full
The cost my Lord, of your Dear Son, who died but rose again,
He now is risen and upon the throne, He will forever rule and
No longer we need to strive nor toil, nor battle to see each day
Knowing Lord You care for us, we come to rest in You,
No longer need we be overcome, by the helplessness all around,
For as we face each new day, in You true rest we've found.
Rest from worry and despair, not overcome by the unknown,
As we come unto Your altar Lord and worship You upon the throne,
Rest from the troubles and the cares of the world, we see around
us each day,
As we come to learn to rest in You, amidst all that life brings
our way.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 5/4/93 ]
Beyond The Horizon !
Dear Lord as I stand now on the shore and look out across the sea,
I wonder what lies beyond the horizon, I wonder what lies before me,
Dear Lord as I stand and see the waves and I watch the rolling sea,
I think of how in life's ups and downs, You are always close by me.
Dear Lord as I stand and watch the surf, as the waves break upon the
I think of how You wash over me, to prepare me for what lies before,
Dear Lord as I look at the stormy clouds, that roll in across the sea,
I think of how in the storms I faced, You have always protected me.
Dear Lord You can see well beyond, the horizon that I do see,
You are not limited as I am, You know what lies before me,
Dear Lord my life is in Your Hands, You've been before me I know,
You have walked this path I now must walk, please show me the way I
should go.
Dear Lord that I may come to where, I can behold You face to Face,
To be an epistle read of all men, expressing Your Love, Your Mercy and
In all that I do and in all that I say, no matter where I my Lord may be
As I now go forth in Your Name today and stand upon Your Word
[ Neil Hodgson. 22/4/93 ]
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Slowly I Am Learning
Lord !
Slowly I am learning Lord, to trust You more each day,
And that in all that You take me through, close by me You will stay,
Slowly I am learning Lord, to be obedient to Your voice,
As You speak to me in the quiet times, each time I am faced with choice.
Slowly I am learning Lord, that You will help me to stand,
Amidst all that I must endure, as You lead me by Your Hand,
Slowly I am learning Lord, midst all You take me through,
You uphold me in Your outstretched Arms, as I put my trust in You.
Slowly I am learning Lord, amidst all I come to face,
In my weakness You make me strong, as You uphold me by Your Grace.
Slowly I am learning Lord, that amidst Your Love and Your Mercy,
I can now face tomorrow knowing, that You will be there with me.
[ Neil Hodgson. 26/12/93 ]
Beside Me Each Day
Once I was blind and could not see, then You Lord in Your Love so set me free,
You opened my eyes to behold Your Face, You brought me out of
darkness by Your Mercy and Grace.
Once I was deaf and could not hear,
then Lord You reached down and touched my ears,
You opened my ears to hear Your Still Small Voice, to hear Your Guidance when faced daily with choice.
Once I was lost as I had gone astray, You Lord took my hand and showed
me You're the Way,
You guided my steps as You watched from above, You
held my hands and embraced me in Your Love,
Once I was bound, You Lord heard my plea and
reached down in Your Mercy, You so set me free,
When I was confused and could not understand,
You Lord in Your great Love, took hold of my hand.
And so my dear Lord, I thank You I can see, I
thank You I can hear, for You set me free,
I thank You my Lord, You have shown me the Way,
I thank You my Lord, You are beside me each day.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 12/4/93 ]
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As I Sit
Beside The Sea !
As I sit close by the edge of the sea Lord, looking out across the calm sea,
I wonder as I peer into the dark night sky, what my future now
holds before me,
As I sit gazing out at the bright moonlight, sparkling upon the dark water,
I think of my life’s many ups and downs, since losing both my wife and daughter.
As I sit thinking of all that has happened, to me over this past year,
I thank You Lord how in Your Love for me, You've stood by me ever
so near,
As I sit looking out across the dark water, to the lighthouse not far away,
I think of how You Lord are as a beacon to us, to warn us of dangers each day.
As I look across the bay to the nearby town, it's lights shining against the dark land,
I think of how Lord in times of darkness, close by me You always
did stand,
As I look at the waves lapping on the shore and listen to their gentle sound,
It reminds me of Your Love You have for us Lord, amidst the stillness I sense all around.
As I listen intently to all I can hear, a bird crying not far away,
People laughing and having fun nearby, I feel encouraged at the
end of the day,
As I look at the stars I see all around, sparkling in the night-sky,
It gave me hope to face the next year, knowing You are ever close by.
As I look all around amidst the darkness that was, with the moon now lighting up the bay,
And the stars sparkling against the night sky, gave me hope to face the next day.
And now as I walk barefoot along the shoreline and feel under me the cool beach sand,
With the fresh night air so cool and crisp, may I Lord never let go of Your
[ Neil Hodgson. 1/1/94 ]
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Would You Like To Meet My Jesus?
Will you open the door of your heart to my Jesus
Will you open your heart today unto Him,
Will you open the door of your heart today my friend
Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your King ?
Will you call upon Him to set you free from all sin
Will you call upon Him so believing that as you do?
He will reach down and so take you into His Arms
For He died my friend upon the Cross for you too.
Do you know why you are here today my friend?
What prompted you to so come to this place?
I’ll tell you why and that it is not by accident
It is the fact that my God by His Grace.
Yes and by His Love and His Mercy
Toward you too that you are here today,
For He so wants you to call upon Him too
If you want to speak to Him now then with me say:
I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.
Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!
Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and
My King today !!!
Neil Hodgson 3/12/2008 ]
If you have decided to give
your heart to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
Praise The Lord