Encouragement Texts Encouragement
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I Know
Dear Lord !
I know dear Lord, You keep me, You hold me in Your Palm
As I Lord, now rest in You, You keep me safe from harm,
I know dear Lord, You are near me, You guide me through each day
As I Lord, now lean on You, You will never let me stray.
I know dear Lord, in You is Hope, for Life beyond death's veil
As I Lord now look to You, that hope will never fail,
I know dear Lord in me is strength, that comes from You above
A strength that without I could not stand, as You embrace me in Your
I know dear Lord, You're the Prince of Peace, You help me face all fear
As I Lord, cry out to You, I know that You do hear,
I know dear Lord, You are my King, You rule upon the throne
And as I face the darkest time, I need never stand alone.
And so O Lord, as I walk on daily, You guide me along the way
You embrace me Lord in Your love, I thank You Lord, each day,
For the fact that all of the time, You are always close by my side
To help me in my daily journey, as in You I by faith abide.
[ Neil Hodgson. 5/4/93 ]
Eternal Light !
Light O Lord that began as a flicker, two thousand years ago,
Has grown brighter every day since and will I know continue to grow,
Your Light O Lord dispels all darkness and now darkness is no more,
Your Light O Lord brings us true Hope, of which we can be sure.
Sure O Lord of Eternal Life, that awaits for every believer beyond the
The veil of death we each must face, as our mortal body does fail.
And so O Lord we now press on, through each day and every night,
To where darkness is no longer found, the place of Your Eternal Light,
Yes to its source which Lord is You and will never cease to be
But shall shine out through the universe, for the rest of eternity.
[ Neil Hodgson. 1/5/93 ]
Lord You Are !
Lord You are a God of comfort, You are a God of Peace
Lord You are ever close by, Your Love shall never cease,
Lord You are the God that ploughs, You are the God who prepares
You are the one who plants and waters, to bring forth life with tender
Lord You prepare the ground within us all, with Love and tender care
You water and You nurture every seed, to bring forth life everywhere,
As You daily water and feed us all, our roots go down so deep
To be strengthened to stand in life's storms, when under trials we often
do weep.
So that we who are so weeping, shall in time come forth free
Rejoicing in and praising You Lord and giving You all due glory,
We will come forth with great joy, as we bring with us the sheaves,
From the great harvest yet to come, rejoicing with You in the great
[ Neil Hodgson 2/5/93 ]
Lord As Each Day I
Come To You!
Lord each day I come to You, in my weakness I could not stand,
In the storms of life I daily face, please take hold of my hand.
Lord each day I come to You, unable to walk on alone,
In times of darkness at times I am in,
I look to You upon the throne.
Lord each day I come to You, may my life be changed, renewed,
In all the encounters I have each day, in all You take me through.
Lord each day I come to You, when I feel so weak and low,
I look to You for renewed strength, please don't let me go.
Lord each day I come to You, for Your healing along the way,
What to do for and what to say, to people I meet each day.
Lord each day I come to You, with thanks for Your Peace,
That You have brought me in the trials,
I pray it shall never cease.
Lord each day I come to You, as I desire to serve You each day,
In whatever way You so will and in all You would have me say.
Lord each day I come to You, with thanks in my heart,
May I Lord, as I answer Your calling, fulfil for You my part.
[ Neil Hodgson. 22/8/93 ]
Fulfilment !
We live in a life of dreams, we daily live always in hope,
Journeying along life's winding road, at times struggling to cope.
And as we each do dwell, on the different dreams that we,
Each have as we grow, it will help us each to see.
That many of our various dreams, can indeed become real,
As we each endeavour to do each day, just as we're lead and so feel,
For dreams are very often, what God does to us so say,
"I so want you to achieve My child, as you walk with Me each day".
So as we put before Him daily, the dreams within our being,
We will as we journey on in life, see the fulfilment of our dreams,
If we by faith put them before Him, so that He may so have His Way
And lay every dream we have in our lives, out before Him each day.
[ Neil Hodgson. 2/4/95
The Valleys Of Life !
The valleys of life in time will become flat, as to God we look
faithfully each day
The hills we climb are too made low, Life's path becomes a highway,
While the valleys and hills may not have changed, how we tackle them has
a little each day
As we grow in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, life's path has become a
At times in our journey we yet lose sight, when confronted by problems
some days
Our faith and trust feels stretched to the limit, life's path seems no
longer a highway.
Yet all the time as we hold onto God, no matter what life brings each
Life's path will indeed in time so become, between us and Him a highway.
[ Neil Hodgson. 16/6/96 ]
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Discouraged For Whatever Reason
Discouraged for whatever reason at times my
As I myself have learnt, it will come to an end,
One day soon but when I cannot myself say
But I would like to share with you, today the very Way.
That I overcame discouragement, when it came upon me too
It was by my calling out unto, My Lord Jesus Christ who,
When I cried out to Him, in His Arms He embraced me
And in His Arms of Love and Assurance, I was able to then see.
That beyond the discouragement, there was something far better
For all who like myself one day did, chose to by faith let Him
And when I chose to accept Him, as my Lord and my King that day
The discouragement and despair within me, began to fade away.
I learnt that there by myself, I could never find that Peace
But through Him I received His Peace, that I know now will never
That so helps me every time I’m discouraged, as I call out to
And say: “Lord I need You again, I so need Your enabling.
To so cope with life’s ups and downs, including what I am now
going through
I so thankyou my Lord that I can, when in need so call upon
So know now my friend, if you want Him to come into your life
Then call out to Him by faith and to Him now say:
I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.
Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!
Thankyou my Jesus, Thankyou for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and
My King today !!!
[ Neil Hodgson 4/3/2009 ]
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your heart to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
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