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Life Is !

Life is not the things you know, it is what you do each day as you grow,
For to grow not fulfilling God’s Will for you, will lead you nowhere no matter what you do,
Life without God, will indeed lead you nowhere, life without God will bring you despair,
When trouble times come, times of uncertainty, only Jesus Christ as your Lord can set you free.
Through His Spirit if you’ll allow Him in, to become in your life your Lord and your King,
To allow Him to take His rightful place in you, everyday in all you both say and do,
Have You ever considered asking Him in, to become both Your Lord and Your King,
Just know this my friend that today and everyday, He is and will always be only a moment away.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 21/1/2007 ]

As A River In The Wilderness !

As a river in the wilderness, flowing out across the arid land,
Is the River of our Father God, flowing across the desert sand,
As the River of His Grace and Love, as a river of His abundant Mercy,
Is the River of our Father God, flowing out for all of humanity.
To bring Life where death once reigned, to destroy the power of sin,
Through the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord and King,
Now to You Jesus our risen Lord, we give You true thanks today,
For destroying sin and death forever and in doing this became the Way.
By which all of humanity, could set free forever enter in,
To abide with You Sanctified and Holy, redeemed by You our King,
Yes redeemed back to our Abba Father, from sin for all eternity
Through the Power of Your Most precious Blood, You shed for us on Calvary.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 17/7/2007 ]

There Is No Darkness !

There is no darkness Satan can bring, into our lives as we Christ our King,
Stand upon Your Word our Lord night and day and so give You permission to Lord have Your Way,
For as Your Word Lord wells up within me, by the eyes of Your Spirit I’ll be able to see,
Beyond the darkness into Your Glorious Light, that shall set all darkness, forever into flight.
Dispelling all the darkness that came with sin, as we allow Your Blood to wash us from within,
As we allow Your Word to so shine forth in our lives, to dispel the darkness around us with Your Glorious Light,
Washing us clean so we may shine forth everyday, as a reflection of Your Light, in all we do and we say,
To be as a Lighthouse fuelled by Your Spirit Jesus Christ, for all of lost humanity, shining forth in our life.
There is no darkness Satan can bring, there is no darkness Jesus Christ our King,
You cannot dispel through Your Spirit as we, upon Your Word by faith stand steadfastly,
Yes stand steadfastly everyday, with our eyes focussed only on You,
Forever giving forth unto You the due Praise and the Honour and Glory.

© [ Neil Hodgson 17/9/2007 ]

By Your Abundant Mercy Lord !

By Your Abundant Mercy my Lord, by Your truly Amazing Grace,
I who have fallen so many times, yet can so still win the race,
To attain the Crown of Life my Lord, that is today now awaiting
For everyone who crosses the finish line, my Jesus Christ by Your enabling.
To finish this race we’re now in, in order that we may each receive
The Crown of Life awaiting for everyone, yes for all of those who in You believe,
For all those who call upon Your Name, believing that as they do
Lord Jesus Christ the King of kings, Your Ways are ever just and true.
Yes Your ways are such that whenever and for whatever reason we may fall
You are always there to lift us up again and so encourage us each time some more,
To get up and shake off the dust, to again run the race in order to
Receive the Crown of Life awaiting at the finish line, to be presented to us each by You.
Yes by You our Lord and King, Who is forever cheering us on
Yes by You our Lord and King, Who is in our weakness to make us strong,
Yes by You our Lord and King, Who will never forsake us day by day
But will be there all of the time, every time we fall along the way.

© [ Neil Hodgson 21/11/2008 ]

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