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After Three Days Lord !

After three days Lord You rose from the grave
Yes Lord You rose in eternal victory,
Having conquered sin defeating Satan
By the way of the Cross, the Cross of Calvary.
By the Way of Your Blood, You shed on the Cross
By the Way of Your Blood, You shed in Love,
As atonement for the sin of all fallen mankind
When to earth You came down from heaven above.
To become the Son of Man, Whom God could use
As a sacrifice for the sin of all fallen man,
To become the Son of Man, Who God could use
To over sin on earth, in victory stand.
Having gone into hell, to tear Satan’s strongholds down
Having gone into hell, to set those in bondage free,
Having risen from death, into resurrection Life
To abide at the Right Hand, of the Father for eternity.

Having torn down the petition, separating God from man
Having rent it from top to bottom, so we could enter in,
Into the Most Holy Place, where our Abba Father resides
Washed by Your Precious Blood and redeemed from sin.
By the Way of the Cross, where all our sin You bore
By the Way of the Cross and by no other way it is true,
Having been redeemed in Love, in Your Mercy and Grace
Restored to communion with the Father, by the Blood shed by You.
As a Lamb for the slaughter, You came to the earth to be
As a Lamb for the slaughter, You went yielded to the Father’s Will,
As a Lamb to be slain for all the sin of fallen mankind
You were bruised for our iniquities, You died on Calvary’s Hill.
Buried in the earth, You descended I know into hell
But after three days You rose, in triumph yes in victory,
Having defeated the sting of death, yes sin’s hold over man
From this day forth and in every believer for eternity.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 10/11/2008 ]

To Bridge The Great Divide !

A bridge to cross the vast great divide
Was provided for us, in Love it is true,
And that Bridge, our Lord Jesus Christ
Both Lord and King, was indeed You.
Yes was indeed and still is today
For all who would choose to turn away from sin,
And claim the Power of Your Blood to wash them clean
And proclaim You as both their Lord and their King.
Yes proclaim You as their Redeeming Saviour
Yes proclaim You as their truly Beloved Friend,
Who poured out Your Grace and Your Mercy
Unto all mankind in Love, that shall not ever end.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 11/11/2008 ]

man's mortality

the abyss

Eternal God

sin and death

Resurrection Life



Thank You, Yes Thank You Father God !

Thank You, yes thank You my Father God
For Your sending Your Son in Love for me,
To bear all of my sin upon the Cross one day
To bear all of the sin of fallen humanity.
In Love my God by His being prepared
To there upon atone for all of man’s sin,
In order to thereby wash sin’s stain away
By His Blood and so defeat forever death’s sting.

Thank You, yes thank You my Abba Father
For allowing Your Son Jesus to bear such pain,
When He took upon Himself all the sins of man
And with it willingly became brutally stained.
Then after three days He rose from the grave
The stain was to no more found upon Him,
And now He sits at Your Right Hand today Lord
As the Christ, the ruling and reigning King.

Thank You, yes thank You my Abba Father
That Your Son my Lord Jesus Christ is today,
Ruling and reigning forever in the Heavenlies
With You by His having washed all of man’s sin away.
Having defeated Satan and all his followers
Of fallen angels at Calvary by His Blood,
Now we Your Redeemed have eternal life today
Thanks to Your Mercy, Your Grace and Your Love.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 13/1/2009 ]



Thank You Lord !

Thank You Lord, thank You Jesus for Your Mercy
Thank You Lord, thank You Christ for Your Grace,
Thank You Lord, thank You that in Your Love for me
Upon the Cross of Calvary, You Lord took my place.
When You on the Cross, paid for me the ransom
When You on the Cross, paid for all of my sin,
When You on the Cross, shed Your Blood for me my Lord
To redeem me back to my Father God, Christ my King.
Thank You my Lord, yes thank You today
For washing for me, all of my sin away,
Yes for washing all my sin away in Your Love
By Your shedding on the Cross, Your Truly Precious Blood.
Yes Your Truly precious Blood, my Lord and my King
That You poured out as payment, in full for my sin,
When You paid the ransom, in full upon Calvary
Yes the ransom for the sin of all humanity.

Thank You Lord, thank You Jesus for Your Mercy
Thank You Lord, thank You Christ for Your Grace,
Thank You Lord, thank You that in Your Love for us
Upon the Cross of Calvary, You Lord took our place.
When You on the Cross, paid for us the ransom
When You on the Cross, paid for all of our sin,
When You on the Cross, shed Your Blood for us our Lord
To redeem us back to our Father God, Christ our King.
Thank You our Lord, yes thank You today
For washing for us, all of our sin away,
Yes for washing all our sin away in Your Love
By Your shedding on the Cross, Your Truly Precious Blood.
Yes Your Truly precious Blood, our Lord and our King
That You poured out as payment, in full for our sin,
When You paid the ransom, in full upon Calvary
Yes the ransom for the sin of all humanity.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 17/11/09 ]



There Is Only One Way !

There is only one Way, to bridge the Great Divide
Between God and man and every one must decide,
To step onto that Bridge, which is Jesus Christ the King
Or remain where they are now, forever as slaves of sin.
Yes as slaves of sin my friend, for all eternity yet to come
Or become a child of God, through Christ, God’s Son,
Yes as a slave of sin destined for, damnation for eternity
Or as one of God’s Children, through the Cross of Calvary.

Through the Blood that was shed, on the Cross for man’s sins
So that through Christ’s Blood, every believer could begin,
Along the road, yes the Cross, to take them across the Great Divide
Now my friend the choice is yours to make, now you must decide.
As to whether to believe in Jesus Christ and so ask Him into
Your life today so that He may, then also become for you,
Your Saviour and Your Lord, yes your Redeemer today
If this is what you now so want, then with me say:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

[ Neil Hodgson 16/4/2009 ]

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