Leaning On God
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GOD Is Ever Watching !

God is always watching over you
And also over me,
To keep us safe from many dangers
That at times are hard to see.
God is always watching over us all
Each day as we all grow,
To protect us in our daily walk
Wherever we may go.
God is always watching over us all
To keep us all safe from harm,
As we lean on Him day by day
He has us secure in His palm.
We thank You Lord that You so care
To keep us safe each day,
From the dangers we each face in life
Each step along the way.
We thank You Lord that in Your Love
You watch over us by Your Grace,
To comfort and protect us each Lord
Amidst all in life we face.
We thank You Lord that wherever we are
You Lord will be always there too,
To keep us safe day and night
As we so hope and trust in You.

©[ Neil. Hodgson. 25/3/94 ]

The Stone That The Builders Rejected !

The stone that the builders rejected
Is both sure and strong,
As the sure foundation, our chief cornerstone
How could they have been so wrong.
The stone that the builders rejected
Jesus Christ our Lord and King,
Our everlasting strength, our sure foundation
He is our everything.
The stone that the builders rejected
Shall support us wherever we go,
Amidst life's storms and turmoils
Each day as we grow.
The stone that the builders rejected
Long ago when Jesus walked the earth,
Broke the power of sin and death at Calvary
Everlasting life was birthed.
The stone that the builders rejected
Is alive and shall ever be,
Our strength, our shield, our support each day
From now for eternity.

                                                                                                            © [ Neil Hodgson. 11/9/94 ]

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God Ever Provides A Way !

Amidst all the pain and suffering
There is a way by which we can bear,
Amidst life's hardships and toils
As God keeps us safe in His care.

Amidst the trials that confront us
We're given strength to overcome,
Amidst our life's winding journey
God in love ever takes us on.

Amidst the many needs that daily arise
In our lives every day,
Amidst every circumstance that we face
God ever provides a way.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 20/10/94 ]


If You Would Like To Meet My Jesus Christ !

If you would like to meet my Jesus Christ
If you would now like Him to become your Lord,
Know this my friend all you now have to do
Is unto Him so open wide the door.
Yes the door of your heart today
Where He is now knocking to be let in,
To become your Friend, your Provider
To become your Lord and your King.
To become your daily companion
In whom you can abide everyday,
If you will open the door of your heart to Him
And allow Him into your life today.
Then know this my friend that He will
So come into your life and their forever stay,
If this is what you want to now happen
Then to Him from your heart with me now say:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.

By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.

Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

© [ Neil Hodgson 3/12/2008 ]

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