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Blessing !

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I am truly blessed to have Jesus in my life, not just for a moment once in a while, but everyday
no matter where I am or what I am doing. Yes twenty-four-seven, every week of the year.
All too often I am so busy that I forget to thank God for how I am so blessed, but every time
I think on this it gives me a hope for the future, that enables me to press on in life regardless
as to how I may feel at times.
I pray and hope that as you read this that you too might meditate on how you are blessed in so
many ways and that one day I pray that you too will hope to be blessing to others just as I hope
that I can be a blessing to you at this time through this website.


Thank You Lord !

Thank You Lord are those very special words, that we can never say too much,
For as we forget to say them when we should, do we really get out of touch,
Yes out of touch with the Lord our Creator, who blesses us day by day,
As we often take things so much for granted, in life each step of the way.
We forget to thank Him for the air we breath and the food we daily do eat,
We forget to thank Him how as needs arise, each need He helps us to meet,
We forget to thank Him for the clothes we wear and the shelter we have over our head,
We forget to thank Him at the end of each day, as we lay down upon our bed.

We forget to thank Him for the home we live in, when many have no home at all,
We forget to thank Him all too often, for things no matter how small,
We forget to thank Him for the rain that falls, to moisten the parched land within,
We forget to thank Him for the running water, we can drink and wash ourselves in.
We forget to thank Him for all that we have and that we in time have acquired,
We forget to thank Him, how in His Love, He provided all that we've required,
We forget to thank Him for all our friends, that we in time have come to know,
We forget to thank Him for all our provisions, in life as we daily do grow.

We forget to thank him for the freedom we have, to worship and praise Him each day,
We forget to thank Him that He who so loved us, for our sins, with His life, did He pay.
We forget to thank Him that death is defeated, no longer are we bound by chains,
We forget to thank Him for the new life birthed within, with Him to now forever reign.
Dear Lord, why are we often so thankless, forgive us Lord we now pray,
Help us Lord to be truly thankful, for the blessings we receive each day.
Help us Lord to be ever mindful and grateful in life throughout the day,
Help us Lord to never forget, You're the Life, the Truth, the Way.

[ Neil Hodgson. 14/11/93 ]

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As I Watch The Falling Raindrops !

As I watch the falling raindrops, fall upon the pool of water,
I think of how the Holy Spirit, is raining upon my life,
As I watch the falling raindrops and the ripples they do cause,
I think of how the Holy Spirit, spreads out from where He lands.
As I watch the falling raindrops, fall upon the dry earth,
I think of how the Holy Spirit, softens the earth where He falls,
As I watch the falling raindrops, come down from the clouds above,
I think of how the Holy Spirit, is by Grace poured out in Love.

©[ Neil Hodgson. 28/7/93 ]

Earthen Vessels !

We who were but earthen vessels, were once broken but now made whole,
By Jesus who reached down in Love, as the redeemer of our soul,
So cast your burdens upon the Lord, He will meet your every need,
Lay your burdens at the foot of the Cross, He will comfort you indeed.
Only as we surrender our all, unto Jesus Christ our Lord,
Can we hope to daily live , as we feed upon His word,
So cast your burdens upon the Lord, He will help you bear the load,
Lay your burdens at the foot of the Cross, as you walk this winding road.
Only as we daily yield unto Him and wait on Him and pray,
Can we hope to be victorious in, all He takes us through each day.
So cast your burdens upon the Lord, He will help you bear the strain,
Lay your burdens at the foot of the Cross, He will help you cope with the pain.
Then as we reach out to others, that we meet along the way,
Can God's Love so work in us and through our lives each day.

                    © [ Neil Hodgson. 1/8/93 ]

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Would You Like To Meet My Jesus?

Would you now like to meet my Jesus Christ
Would you like my friend, to this day meet Him,
Would you like Him to become your friend today too
Would you like Him to become your Lord and your King?
I assure you it is by no accident my friend
That you are here where you are as it is true,
He is indeed waiting for you to say to Him
Please come into my life, to abide in me too”
For know this my friend He is now knocking
At the door of your heart this very day,
It is now up to you to open that door to Him
And so if you want this, then with me now say.

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.

By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.

Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, my Lord and my King !!!

[ Neil Hodgson 3/12/2008 ]

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