Your Destiny
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Today, Tomorrow, Whenever !
We cannot live for tomorrow, without
first living for today,
For beyond today we can't always for see, what life will so bring our
We can face tomorrow with expectancy, yet our plans may not always be,
What is in fact all that comes to pass, that affects both you and me.
We can live in hope that all will be well, that little or nothing will
we pray,
Go wrong as tomorrow takes its course, as we face what life brings our
We can endeavour to plan for the future, in the hope for what our lives will
Yet for whatever happens as our future unfolds, all we can do is but
wait and see.
Yet whatever it brings be it joy or sorrow, by God's enabling are we
able to cope,
With all of life's both ups and downs, as we look to Him by faith in
Hope that as each day unfolds in our lives, we'll be able to bear in
All the hurdles along with the blessings, we each confront everyday.
For life is something that takes its course, that me well differ from
the one we plan,
And as it comes to pass all we can do, is by faith to reach out for
God's hand.
To guide us along the course we're on, in order that we'll come to know,
That everything in life indeed has a purpose and will ultimately help us
to grow.
More and more like Him in all that we , do along with all that we say,
As we endeavour to serve our Lord, with a heart of deep thanks each day
Deep thanks for all that has so far happened, for the promises to all
those who,
Each day seek with all their heart and soul, serve Him faithfully
through and through.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 12/8/96 ]
Beyond This Earth My Lord !
Beyond this earth where Lord I dwell, beyond this life where all is not well,
There is life everlasting, a life with You, a life of harmony, a life so
Where decay and death is indeed no more, where there's no more fighting, no more war,
No more suffering, no more pain, no more anguish, no more strain.
No more poverty, instead rich wealth, instead of sickness, everlasting health,
Forever with You, dwelling in Heaven above, a place of joy, of harmony
and love,
Where each day we will dwell in peace,
Your peace O Lord that will never cease,
A place where with You we'll forever be, abiding with You, eternally free.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 25/6/96 ]
Beyond the valley of the shadow of death, no evil need I fear,
For Lord I know that as each day passes, New Life is one day more near,
New life O Lord that is eternal, that reaches far beyond I know,
The bounds of life in my mortal body, in which I daily now grow.
Daily grow to know You as Lord, in my life each day still more,
As my Provider, my Saviour, My friend,
Who in Love has gone before,
Yes has gone before me to prepare a way, by which I can be made free,
From the bondage of my mortal flesh, then free for all eternity.
Beyond the valley of the shadow of death, beyond the grief and pain,
Beyond the worries of my mortal life, for Lord You rule and reign,
You are Lord in every situation, of every circumstance I face,
You carry me in Your Arms of Love,
You uphold me in Mercy and Grace.
You are Lord each day in everyway, indeed truly my everything,
For which I give my heart of thanks, to You my Lord and my King,
I thank You Lord that You've made a Way, by which I can one day too,
Enter into that place reserved for me, to dwell in the heavens with You.
© [ Neil. Hodgson. 7/6/97 ]
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Each Day !
Each day of life is as a stepping stone, Lord one step closer and nearer
to Your Throne,
Your Throne of Grace and Unfailing Love, that in the beginning seems so
far above,
Yet becomes closer as we each day, lean more on You along our life's way,
Yet becomes closer as we daily so turn, to the Calvary Cross by which we learn.
That beyond this life is a life without end, that we can obtain through
You Jesus our friend,
As we each identify ourselves Lord with You and all that You've endured
and all that You went through,
To defeat sin and death o so become the Way, The Door of New Hope in our
journey each day,
By which we each may truly then enter in, to the foot of Your Throne my Lord and my King.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 9/5/99 ]
Lord I Am Nothing !
Lord I am nothing, apart from Your
Lord I am nothing, outside of Your Love,
Lord I am nothing, but for Your Mercy and Your Amazing Grace, You pour
out from above,
Yet I am Your beloved, a part of Your Creation, that You have chosen, just as I am too,
To be a part of Your Kingdom, to be used in some way, as a vessel ever so willing, that You can flow though.
When I can come as a child, with all pretense stripped away, willing my Lord to listen, to all that to me You say,
Willing to be obedient, to all that You desire, with my eyes set steadfast, on You Lord all the day.
May I indeed come, as a child willing to hear, with a truly open heart, to Your voice as You speak,
As You speak to my heart, as my steps You do guide, as to so do Your will, I daily do seek.
May I indeed come, as a child willing to do,
Your will not mine, in my life's journey each day,
Willing to walk in obedience, to Your Spirit as it leads, to Your Spirit as it guides, my steps daily I pray.
[ Neil Hodgson. 26/3/2004 ]
Other Way !
Lord there is no other way, by which to enter in,
To eternal life except through You,
Jesus Christ, my Lord and King
For my Lord You became that Way, when You out of Mercy and Grace,
Stood in the gap for all mankind, confronting ‘Satan’ face to face.
And in so doing You defeated him and made a Way for all to enter in,
To eternal life through You my Lord, my beloved Saviour and King.
Yes You made a way for all who believe, that You are the only True Way,
The Door of Hope for all of creation, by which to find life one day.
Yes Life that is everlasting and is free for all to receive,
By acknowledging You as their Lord and on Your Promises coming to believe.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 5/3/2005]
One Road, One Way !!
While there are so many roads dear Lord, upon which we may choose to
Yet we know that there is only one, that will lead us on to our Father
You my Lord Jesus have walked that road and in so doing have prepared
the way,
Please give us the faith and the strength we need, to endure that road
we pray.
For we know in our hearts it will not be easy and at times very hard
Lord to endure,
But as we keep our eyes ever focussed on You, our steps You will make
ever sure,
Our steps You will guide as we step out in faith and trust You will be
our daily guide,
To walk that road You have prepared for us, as in You Lord by faith we
Lord when any doubts, or fears may come, as we endeavour to walk that
road each day,
May we yet praise and glorify You Christ Jesus and bring honour to You
my Lord we pray,
Lord may we never take our eyes off of You, but each day walk that road
with thanksgiving,
And as we take each step in our lives, may we do it always mindful of
You Christ our King.
[ Neil Hodgson. 15/6/2005 ]
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A Lamp Unto My Feet !
A Lamp unto my feet, is Lord Your Word indeed,
My guide that lights my pathway, as to You by faith I heed.
My strength when in my own strength,
I am indeed so weak,
As to do Your Will, not my own, my Lord I humbly seek.
As light that daily illuminates and defines my life’s pathway,
Of hope amidst life’s ups and downs, its turmoil's everyday.
My vision when I am blind and the Truth I cannot see,
That You in Love bore all our sins, when You hung on Calvary.
And now Lord thanks to You, our Saviour and dearest Friend,
We can partake of a life that’s eternal, yes one that shall never end.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 7/2/2005 ]
We Run A Race Lord !
As we run the race,
we are cheered on, when too weak to continue, You Lord make us strong,
As we run the race, with our eyes upon You, at the finish line, we can
press on through,
As we run the race, the obstacles we endure, as we remain focussed on
You, our steps You make sure
As we run the race, to obtain the Crown Lord from You, the Crown of Life
that we all are due
To receive at the end of the race we are in Lord, by living out daily in
our lives Your Word
Your Word of Love, of Mercy and Grace, to all lost humanity as we Lord
run our race,
To receive at the end of the race we are in Lord, yes this very race we
are each in today,
As long as we each as we run the race of life, keep our eyes upon You
every step of the way.
[ Neil Hodgson. 28/3/2006 ]
Have You Ever Heard
Of My Jesus !
Have you ever heard of my Lord Jesus
Have you ever before heard of Him,
Have you ever heard of my Lord Jesus Christ
Who is both my Lord and my King.
Have you ever heard of my Lord Jesus
Have you ever before heard of Him,
Have you ever heard how on Calvary’s Cross
He bore all of your and my sin.
Have you ever heard of my Lord Jesus
Yes Jesus Christ is His full Name,
Who out of Love for both me and you
Bore on the Cross, all of your and my shame.
By the Power of His Cleansing Blood
To wash away all of our sin,
Upon Calvary’s Cross in Love for you and I
So that we may through Him then enter in.
To a new life my friend that is eternal
Without any pain or suffering,
Through Him the Way, my Lord Jesus Christ
Who wants also to become your King.
And Lord of your life, as He is for me
And can become for you also this very day
If this is what you want, then callout to Him
And to Him from your heart with me say:
I confess I am a sinner Jesus,
yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.
Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!
Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My
King today !!!
[ Neil Hodgson 29/4/2009 ]
If you have decided to give
your heart to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
Praise The Lord
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