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Your Destiny !

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Nothing Happens By Chance !

Lord nothing ever happens by chance, our lives are in Your Hands,
Your desire is that we turn to You, in obedience to Your command,
You've travelled before us along the road, that we are now on each day,
You've gone before us to mark the path, to light up and prepare the way.
You've always stayed close by us Lord, to guide us if we were to stray,
To encourage us again to turn to You if we turned and went our own way,
We are not forced to do as You will, for You gave us the freedom of choice,
To turn from You and do our own thing, or respond to Your beckoning Voice.

And so O Lord as You speak to us, please help us to hear Your Voice,
That we may respond to You as You guide us, to daily make the right choice,
Lord only You know what lies ahead and what tomorrow we each must face,
We thank You Lord that we will cope, as You uphold us by Your Grace.
We thank You Lord that we will cope, as You uphold us in Your Mercy
In Your Arms of Love night and day, wherever we may be,
To guide our steps as we lean upon You, Jesus by faith everyday
To guide our steps continually Christ, as You lead us along life’s way.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 31/3/93 ]

               As Eagles Soar, As The Deer Pants !

As eagles soar ever so high above, untouched by the earth below,
I pray that we shall become as eagles, every day Lord as we grow,
As the eagles soar high in the Heavenlies, may we Lord so come to do,
All that's required of us in our lives, as we daily seek to serve You.
May we forever rise up as eagles, may we soar in the Heavenlies,
High above the storms of life, that would come upon us daily,
As the deer pants after the water brook, may You Lord be our hearts desire,
For we long to truly worship You as You take us ever still higher.

May we be as the deer O Lord, amidst all that life takes us through,
As the deer pants after the water brook, may we daily seek after You.
For we so long to daily serve You Lord, as You're our strength and our shield,
We so seek to serve You with all our soul, unto You may our spirits so yield.
That we may ascend up the mountain O Lord, to the places that You so desire,
For us to attain to as we grow in You and You take us ever yet higher,
That we may ascend up the mountain O Lord, and abide there for eternity
In Your Presence with our Father God, as His Children, redeemed, set free.

©  Neil Hodgson. 24/6/94 ]

Lord There Is Nothing Too Hard For You !

 There is nothing ever too hard for You Lord, there is nothing You cannot do,
As we willingly yield ourselves to You daily, amidst all life takes us through,
There is nothing ever too hard for You Lord, even though we obstruct Your Ways,
Many times by not yielding to You and doing what we want each day.
There is nothing ever too hard for You Lord, may we never hold back from You,
But willingly yield our everything and before You be faithful and true,
There is nothing ever too hard for You Lord, may we lay down our life each day,
And willingly live the life we must live, as You guide us each step of the way.
There is nothing ever too hard for You Lord, that with You we cannot face,
As we willingly yield ourselves to You daily, knowing You'll uphold us in Love by Your Grace,
As we yield ourselves to You by faith, believing that as we daily do
Everything that we encounter everyday, You will always bring us through.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 10/7/94 ]

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You Gave That We Might Give, O Lord !

You gave that we might give O Lord, You gave in Love to us all,
You blessed us out of Your abundant riches, with blessings both large and small,
You gave that we might give O Lord, may we hold not back I pray,
From sharing with others we find in need, You bring into our life each day.
You gave that we might give O Lord, may we never cease to do,
Share with others what You've blessed us with, as we feel so lead to do.
You gave that we might give O Lord, may we never cease to bring,
Praise and Thanksgiving to You everyday, Lord Jesus Christ our King.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 16/4/95 ]

Our Life !

Our life is as a journal, which daily does unfold,
Some of which has by now been written, much of which is yet untold,
Our life is as a journey, beyond the horizon that we,
Find with our own natural eyes, struggle at times to see.
Our life is as a tapestry, being woven day by day,
The finished work of which at this time, is still some time away.

Our life is as a sculpture, being carved from earthen clay,
Brought to life by the Spirit of God, Who works on us each day,
Our life is as a masterpiece, a creation of God's hand,
Indeed fearfully and wonderfully made, to be a part of His marvellous plan.

 © [ Neil Hodgson. 7/6/96 ]

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A Fresh Start !

As day turns into night time, as night turns into day,
May we Lord be able to face, all that comes our way,
No matter what Lord may be awaiting, around the corner or over the hill,
May our eyes be set on You Lord and our heart on doing Your Will.
Yes doing Yours not ours O Lord, whatever that may so be,
Not in ours but Your time we pray, that others may too then see.
That my Lord You are so real, You're Holy, Just and True,
You care for all who by faith, believe and trust in You,
For which Lord I want to say, thank You from deep in my heart,
For opening my eyes enabling me to see and begin life from a fresh start.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 15/11/96 ]

Home To You My Lord !

My Lord You know the path I'm on, is not easy in anyway,
Nor is always clear to me, please guide me daily I pray.
My Lord You know the path I'm on, is at times quite hard to see,
And along it are many stumbling stones, please daily so guide me.
My Lord You know the path I'm on, where it's from and yet leading to,
And how in my weakness I've often strayed, please guide me home to You.
Yes guide me home to You my Lord, into the Presence of our Father God,
By upholding me daily in Your Arms, of Grace, Mercy and Love.

© [ Neil. Hodgson. 3/9/97 ]

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Do You Know My Friend ?

Do you know, do you know, what will happen my friend,
When your life on earth, one day comes to an end.
Do you know, do you know, what will become of you,
When one day you pass away, as indeed one will day be true?
Just as it will be for me, yet with assurance I can say,
For me it is but a stepping stone and the beginning of a new day.
Yes with my Lord Jesus Christ, my Beloved Eternal King,
Who out of love for me at Calvary, took away all of my sin.

If only you would now turn to Him and so allow Him to now be
Lord of your life as I one day did and now He lives in me.
The sting of death he has defeated and its consequence He’s taken away,
Now through Him the stings no more and soon will begin an everlasting day.
For those who choose to follow Jesus, it will be a day of joy and delight,
But for those who turn away from Him, it will be the beginning of an eternal night.
Of darkness, despair and misery, is this what you want to embrace,
The choice is for you to now make, to reach out to him for salvation by faith.

To daily take a hold of, all His Promises in His Word to begin
To come to rest in His Arms of Peace, that is beyond man’s understanding,
And claim the Power of Salvation through His Blood over sin
I ask you now my friend today, will you let Him come in.
Yes into your life at this present point in time today
Knocking at the door of your heart I can with certainty say
For He is waiting at the door of your heart continually,
If this is what you so want, then say this today with me:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.

By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.

Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

[ Neil Hodgson 19/3/2009]

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