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   Faith !

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 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.   Romans 10:17

Now faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

When I was only a young boy I became aware that there was something beyond this life that
I was living here on earth and when I heard about Jesus, I had a measure of faith in my life
that lead me to ask Jesus into my life as a child as my Saviour.
As I grew in years so did my faith in Him and as a young teenager one day I was able to
understand that Jesus was not just my Saviour, but also my closest Friend and it was then
that I asked Him to become Lord of my Life from that day on.
Since then while my faith has at times wavered, but little by little with my life’s experiences
as I have grown closer to Him, so my faith has grown also and today I would rather be no
where than where I am with my Lord Jesus Christ in my daily life.

Lord You Brought Me Out !!!

Lord You brought me out of the kingdom of darkness
When I realised in my heart one day,
That by my calling out to You by faith
You indeed would so make for me a way.
By which I who was living in darkness
Because of the stain of sin within me,
Could by my allowing you into my life as my Lord
Yes have my eyes opened so that I may see.
Out of that place of deep darkness my Lord
That through sin I was then living in,
Could come into the Kingdom of Your Glorious Light
By accepting You as my Redeemer, my Lord and my King.

© [Neil Hodgson. 30/3/09]


No Matter What !

No matter what the circumstance, Jesus Christ is Lord,
No matter what the trial is we face, Jesus Christ is King,
No matter how I might feel, or how dark it may seem,
No matter how overwhelmed I feel, He is Lord over everything.
As I learn to rise above each trial, I daily come to face,
I can soar high like an eagle, uplifted by God's Grace,
As I learn to rise above the storm, in the spirit of praise,
God's Spirit will lead and guide me, as I lean on Him in faith.
Faith in Him to walk with me, each step I have to take,
As I put my trust in my Lord and lean on Him in faith,
To run and not become weary, to walk and never faint,
As my Lord daily keeps me, upon Him I now do wait.
Each step O Lord is a step of faith, as I purpose to serve You Lord,
Trusting You will daily guide me, as I learn to stand on Your Word,
In every situation I face, I know Lord You are there too,
When overwhelmed by all I face, I know You will bring me through.
For You, yes You are truly Lord, as I walk each day with You,
You my Lord are the Prince of Peace, in all You take me through.
You Lord are both Lord and King, I bow down before Your throne,
You my Lord are truly Sovereign, I am Yours and Yours alone.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 12/6/93 ]

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May I Lord !

May I Lord never doubt who You are, may I never question Your ways,
May I Lord walk humbly before You, each moment of every day,
May I Lord without question trust You, may I never doubt that You hear,
May I when I cry out for help, trust You to make things more clear.
May I Lord always make the right choices, may I know right from wrong,
May I have wisdom to do what's right, as You Lord so take me on,
May I Lord never doubt Your Love, may I never think You don't care,
May I never question Your ongoing plans and know You are everywhere.
May I Lord be ever understanding, may I be sensitive always to others,
May I be a willing servant each day, serving my sisters and brothers,
May I learn to not struggle alone, may I learn to lean on You,
May I learn to rest in You each day, in each battle I find I go through.
May I Lord not go into battle alone, may I not go in unprepared,
May I wait on You for Your leading each day, please help me to not be scared,
May I Lord be used by You daily, may I yield unto Your Will,
May I accept Your dealings with me, in the valleys and climbing each hill.
May I Lord never forget Your Mercy and Grace, may I never forget Your Love,
May I never move from under Your covering, knowing You watch over from above,
May I Lord not fail to exalt You, may I give You the Glory You are due,
May I in my walk, bring honour to Your Name, in all You take me through.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 4/8/93 ]

Amidst The Trials !

Amidst the trials we daily face, that Lord You take us through,
May we never doubt Your Love for us and daily trust in You,
Amidst the time of trial and testing, of our faith, O Lord, each day,
May we forever wait on You and clearly hear what You do say.
Amidst every valley we have to cross and every mountain we have to climb,
May we Lord never turn away from You, but move on in Your time,
Amidst every battle You prepare us for and each trial we in life do face,
May we never doubt Your Love for us and how You keep us by Your Grace.
For Lord You know our many weaknesses and how alone we cannot cope,
May we each daily rest in You by faith, as You are our only True Hope,
For Lord when the way seems unclear, in the trials You take us through,
Each step of the way in our walk, may we yet yield our all to You.
And Lord even when we struggle to cope, please help us bear the load,
May we bring honour and praise You daily, along life’s winding road.
For Lord all You allow has a purpose, which at the time only You know,
But we know as we lean on You, Lord, it will help us to grow.
And now O Lord as we press on, may we daily lean on You,
To strengthen and lead us on, through all You take us through.
May we never question Your Sovereignty, as You watch over from above,
As You embrace us in Your Arms each day and overflow us with Your Love.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 11/8/93 ]

I, even I, will call to God, and Jehovah will save me.
Evening and morning, and at noon, I will pray and cry aloud; and He shall hear my voice.
 He has delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me; for there were many with me.
God shall hear and answer them, even He who is enthroned of old. Selah.

Psalm 55:16-19


At The Foot Of The Cross !!!

At the foot of the Cross, we each have a choice to make
Whether to turn our back on Jesus, or to cry out by faith,
Whether to turn our back on the world’s ways, yes turn away from sin
Or to step out in faith to Jesus and invite Him to come in.

By first acknowledging Jesus Christ, as the Son of God
Who has redeemed us back to the Father, through His Unfailing Love,
By believing that through His Blood, we’re forever redeemed from sin
That He is the Way, the Truth and the Life Everlasting.

So my friend to search your heart today, I now encourage you
As to whether you want to take this step, so that you may too,
Partake of Life that’s Everlasting, just as I know I am today
If this is what you truly want, then with me now say:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.

By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.

Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming my Saviour, my Lord and my King !!!

[ Neil Hodgson 3/12/2008 ]

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