Holiness !
Holiness Poems
Our Ways Be Holy !
Everything that we do or that we feel, begins as a thought one day,
And may have bearing on the rest of our life, as we grow more day by day.
May our daily thoughts be always clean, may they be righteous and pure,
May we ever walk uprightly before You Lord, as You make our steps firm and sure.
May our thoughts that affect our actions Lord, bring honour unto Your Name each day,
May we not ever be double minded, but bring You Glory daily I pray.
May our thoughts be ever constructive Lord, to encourage those who are in need,
May our thoughts be ever towards serving You and not centred on self and greed.
May our thoughts be never critical Lord, may we never seek to destroy,
May they never seek to undermine, but may they bring to others joy.
Whatever we are doing Lord Jesus Christ, or wherever we may happen to be
Whom ever we may be in the company of, may our thoughts be always Holy
[ Neil Hodgson. 23/1/94 ]
Ground !
This is truly Holy Ground O Lord, the ground where we now stand,
In Your presence as we meet with You, upheld Lord by Your Hands.
Your Hands of Mercy and Justice Lord,
Your Hands of Love also,
As we stand now on this Holy Ground and into Your presence we by faith go.
This is truly Holy Ground O Lord, this very place where You reside,
Where we stand before You at this time and in You we so abide.
Encompassed now and everyday, in Your Hands of Amazing Grace
That is daily stretched out to us in Love and Mercy for us to embrace by
[ Neil Hodgson. 7/7/94 ]
O Lord !
O Lord You are more beautiful, than words could ever say,
O Lord You are more wonderful, so wonderful in every way,
O Lord You are so caring,
You're Holy, Just and True
O Lord You are the Prince of Peace, may we forever honour You.
Yes may we forever
honour You, the Lord of lords and King of kings
Every moment of the day continually, with praise and thanksgiving,
No matter Lord what we may be doing, or wherever we may be
May we yet exalt Your Holy Name and bring to You Honour and Glory.
[ Neil Hodgson. 24/5/95 ]
Vessels Of clay !
Lord You turned the water into wine, within the vessels of clay,
This was the first of many such miracles, that still go on today.
For we too are each a living miracle, created by our Father's own Hand,
Each with a purpose, unique and important, in the eyes of God, who with us does stand.
Lord as we drink of the water of Your Word and drink of it more everyday,
So that water will be turned into wine, within us Your vessels of clay.
Vessels Lord who You desire to use, if we're willing to yield unto You,
By the leading of the Holy Spirit each day, in all that we say and we do.
Lord may we walk daily and abide in You and allow You to mould us each day,
As vessels of honour to shine forth in Your Likeness, from what once, were vessels of clay.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 26/3/95 ]
For How Much
Longer My Child ?
For how much longer My child, do you want to live with
For how much longer My child, do you want to live stained with
Blinded to the Truth that you are on the road to destruction
When being laid out before you is a road to Life Everlasting?
For how much longer My child, do you want to live bound with
For how much longer My child, do you want to live not in
yourself knowing,
What will happen to you the other side of the grave when you die
Do you want eternal damnation or Life that is Everlasting?
Now today I urge you, to seriously search your heart
And your mind as to what, you truly in yourself believe in,
For I am the only Way, the Eternal Truth and the Life
I am your Lord Jesus Christ, Who has redeemed you from sin.
But know this My child, the choice is now yours to make
I will not now and will never, force you in anyway to turn to
For you have a freewill and the choice is now yours to make
And the very choice you make, will determine your destiny.
So again I say My child, I am constantly knocking at the door
Of your heart and mind, but now it is entirely up to you,
As to whether or not you open your heart and mind up to Me
And so allow Me into your life, so that I may change you into.
A child of My Father God and no longer a child of sin
A child of My Father God for eternity, through Me as your Lord
and King,
Which I will become for you, if you will turn to Me today
And by faith allow Me Jesus Christ, to this day so enter in.
A child of My Father God forever, by My Blood redeemed
Back to the Father through Me, My child for eternity,
Delivered forever from death’s sting and the stain of all sin
If this is what you so today want, then proclaim this to Me:
As I truly
believe was inspired by the Holy Spirit. AMEN
I confess I
am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.
Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!
Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord
and My King today !!!
[ Neil Hodgson
8/4/2009 ]
If you have decided to give
your heart to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
Praise The Lord