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               Change Me I Pray Lord !

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Change My Heart O God !

Change my heart O God I pray, do all that You need to do,
Change my heart day by day, please make it forever true,
Change my heart O God I ask, Lord make me more like You,
Change my heart little by little, as I yield each day to You too.
For my desire is to know You Lord and to see You face to face,
My desire is to serve You each day, as I enter by the Way of Your Grace,
My desire is to hear Your Voice and to know always right from wrong,
My desire is to do what is right, as You by Your Mercy make me strong.

My desire is to be a vessel of honour and to daily grow in stature,
My desire is to glorify Your Name, as Your dealings help me mature,
My desire is to go on each day, as I yield unto Your Will,
My desire is to never again stray, as You help me climb each hill.
And so My Lord please change me and make me more like You,
To stand and wear the Crown of Life, in all You take me through.
For only by Your Grace can I enter in and only by Your Mercy can I stand,
By Your Love can I now walk on each day, as You lead me by Your Hand.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 17/7/93 ]


Search My Heart O God !

Search my heart each day O God, try me I now do pray,
Cause me to walk ever humbly Lord, before You everyday,
Search my mind each day O God, I pray that it be made pure,
Cleanse it Lord as I meditate, on Your promises ever so sure.
Search my life each day O God, in all I both say and do,
That I may bring You both the glory and the honour for which You are due,
Search my ways each day O God, as I seek daily to serve You,
May my ways be truly righteous and pure, amidst all You take me through.
Search and cleanse me O Lord I pray, of all the wrong I've ever done,
Create in me a pure clean heart, that together we may be as one,
Search and cleanse me O Lord I pray, so that I may learn to rest and be still,
In You my Lord wherever I may so be, as I walk I pray in Your Will.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 14/1/94 ]

Refresh My Heart O Lord !

Refresh my heart O Lord, refresh my heart I pray,
Renew my love also O Lord, by the power of Your Love each day,
Refresh my heart O Lord, set me apart I pray,
Pour Your Spirit upon my soul, may I willingly serve You each day.
Refresh my heart O Lord, lift me up Lord I pray,
To that place where in Your Presence, I Lord may abide each day,
Refresh my heart O Lord, make me anew I pray,
Into Your image more and more, as You work in me each day.
Refresh my heart O Lord, so I may worship You I pray,
With all my heart, my soul and mind and praise You Lord each day.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 4/9/94 ]


Refresh My Heart O Lord !

Refresh my heart O Lord I pray and Lord my love for You,
That I may bring You true honour, in all I say and do,
Turn my heart O Lord I pray, turn it by Your Hand,
That through me Your Spirit may freely flow, as before You I daily stand.
Refresh my heart O Lord I pray, as You pour Your Spirit upon me,
That my thoughts shall be ever clean and my life testify of You daily,
Turn my heart O Lord I pray, turn it by Your Hand,
That through my life I may each day, bring honour to You as I stand.
Having atoned for my sins and failures, on the Cross so long ago,
And although many times I have turned from You, You stood by me as I did grow.
You stood by me in those times when I felt down and uplifted me in Your Love,
And guided my steps in my daily walk, as You watched over me from above.
You stood by me when I failed to hear, the calling You so placed on me,
As You worked in my life as time went by, that I one day would be free.
So again I pray please refresh me O Lord and help me to face each day,
And turn my heart and mind toward You, that I may serve You Lord I pray.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 5/6/94 ]

Out Of Earthen Clay !

Moulded daily into Your image, more and more each day,
Are we by Your Hands O Lord, as You work carefully upon the clay,
You work upon the earthen vessels, we dwell in as we grow,
With their many imperfections, that in time will eventually go.
You daily work in each of us Lord, to mould to become,
More, yes much more like You, each different but yet one,
As You caringly work in us we wonder, Lord, why must You do,
The things You so do in our lives, to make us more like You.
For at times we are so limited, as to what we can yet see,
All the while walking on in hope and seeking to serve You faithfully,
And overtime we come to know , why things were that way,
As we see the near finished workmanship, clearer day by day.
And eventually we'll be able to say, thank You Lord for all You've done,
In moulding us each into Your image and making us all as one,
For moulding us Lord each out of Love, for working on us each day,
To make us vessels of Honour to You, out of the earthen clay.

 © [ Neil Hodgson. 26/3/95 ]

It Is No Secret My Friend !!!

It is no secret my friend ,what my God can do
What He has done for me, He will do for you,
If you call out to and now allow Him in
Yes into your life today, as your Lord and King.
It is no secret what God can do my friend
Yes do for you today, as you learn to depend,
Upon Him as your Lord, throughout the day
As you so surrender and allow Him His Way.
It is no secret, what God today can bring
Into the lives of those, who proclaim Him as their King,
Who proclaim Him as, their Lord continually
Throughout the day, wherever they may so be.
As I have learnt myself, since inviting Him in
Yes into my life one day, to become my Lord and King,
And saved me from sin, as I can truly say today
If you want Him to do this for you, then with me say.

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thankyou my Jesus, Thankyou for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

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