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 Guide Me On Lord !

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As You Take Me Through!

As You take me through each valley Lord, when I'm overcome by fear;
Help me Lord to never forget, that You are ever near.
As You take me through each valley Lord, when I am faced with choice;
Please guide me Lord in what I choose and help me to know Your Voice.

As You take me through each valley Lord, when darkness overwhelms me;
Please help me Lord to trust in You and make me able to see.
As You take me through each valley Lord, to confront the storm and tempest;
Please help me Lord to cease from striving, for in You do I find rest.

As You take me through each valley Lord, when darkness is all around;
Please open mine ears to hear Your Voice, to be comforted by Your Sound.
The sound O Lord of Your Still Small Voice, that speaks along the way;
For Lord You've sent Your Holy Spirit, To guide me day by day.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 14/3/93 ]

Life's Daily Journey !

As I set out on each journey and think of where I'm going to,
I recall how in life's daily walk, Lord I am guided by You.
As I think about the route to take, a safe way to travel via,
I recall how Lord You shape my life's path, that will take me ever higher.
As I think of those that have no goal, a place to journey to,
They are lost and have no hope, for Lord they don't know You.
For in You life has a purpose and will have for eternity,
Talking and walking daily with You, Your peace sets us all free.
Free from the fear of the unknown, the worries of what may come tomorrow,
Free from the power of the sting of death, able to face all pain and sorrow.
I no longer journey on without hope, being close to You always,
Knowing Lord as I journey with You, You guide my steps each day.
Steps that will lead to eternal life,, for all who trust in You,
As You take me through life's journey, You Lord will guide me through.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 23/4/93 ]

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With You Christ At The Helm !

In life we are each like a small boat, sailing upon the vast sea,
At times our journey is so rough, at others as calm as can be.
As we sail on through the troubled waters, where we are tossed to and fro,
Lord You are in control at the helm, to steer us where we should go.

You steer us into sheltered waters, safe from storm and strife,
You're the Captain of our Salvation and the Navigator of our life.
At times we are down in the hollow, overwhelmed by the waves around,
But Lord You are in control all the time, as You steer us to safer ground.

At times we are riding on the crest of the wave, where we find our true safety,
Safe from the dangers all around, soaring high upon the sea.
You see the dangers that lie ahead, as we journey along the way,
You steer us into safe waters and guide us day by day.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 28-29/4/93 ]


Beside Me Each Day !

Once I was blind and could not see, then Lord in Your love, You so set me free;
You opened my eyes to behold Your Face, You brought me out of darkness by Your Mercy and Grace.
Once I was deaf and could not hear, then Lord You reached down and touched my ears;
You opened my ears to hear Your Still Voice, to hear Your guidance when faced daily with choice.

Once I was lost as I had gone astray, You Lord took my hand and showed me the way;
You guided my steps as You watched from above, You held my hands and embraced me in Your love.
Once I was bound, You Lord heard my plea and reached down in mercy, You so set me free;
When I was confused and could not understand, You Lord in great love, took hold of my hand.

And so my dear Lord, I thank You I can see, I thank You I can hear, for You set me free;
I thank You my Lord, You have shown me the way, I thank You my Lord, You are beside me each day.
Yes beside me My Lord, each day continually, to be my eyes when I struggle to see
Yes beside me my Lord, yes ever close by me, to be my ears when I struggle to hear.

©[ Neil Hodgson. 12/4/93 ]

Daily Close By Me !

Sovereign Lord reign in my life, this is my heart's deep cry;
Please keep daily close by me, help me know You are nigh.
Sovereign Lord please guide my steps, along the path I take each day;
Please keep daily close by me and never let me stray.
Sovereign Lord please give me a vision, to see Your heart's desire;
Please keep daily close by me and take me ever higher.
Sovereign Lord lead me ever onward, for this I do now pray;
Please keep daily close by me and lead me day by day.

Sovereign Lord You are my senses, when my own senses fail;
You keep daily close by me, as I press beyond the veil.
For Lord You are truly Sovereign, even when I do not understand;
You keep daily close by me and lead me by Your Hand.
Lord You are truly Sovereign, in all I must go through;
You keep daily close by me, as I face each day with You.
You are my Hope, my Sovereign Lord, in You I now am free;
As You keep daily close by me, from here to eternity.

[ Neil Hodgson. 13/4/93 ]


A Giant Beacon !

Lord You are like a giant beacon, as You light upon my path each day,
When darkness restricts how far we can see, You help us to see along the way.
You enable us Lord to journey on paths, that we never before have been on,
You give us strength enough for each step, by grace You make us strong.
Lord You are like a shining lighthouse, as You show where the dangers do lie,
You guide us in love through many troubled waters and for us stay ever close by.
Lord, when we wander where dangers are lurking, You give us warnings along the way,
And as we look to You for help, You lead us to safety each day.
Lord You are as a shining light, that will never cease to glow,
You light up our pathway day by day, as we each mature and grow.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 13/10/93 ]


The Lord Is My Shepherd !

The Lord is my Shepherd, He wants to become yours too
Whether or not this ever happens, is now entirely up to you,
For He will never force Himself on you, but rather give you the choice today
Whether to run into His Arms of Love, or turn back and go away.
The Lord is my Shepherd, He wants to be your Shepherd my friend,
The ball is today in your court, what happens now so depends,
On the choices you make, as to whether accept or reject Him
But whatever your choice, He is and will always be Lord and King.
Yes over all of Creation, whether or not they choose to receive
Him as their Lord and King, by daring to one day in Him believe,
Yes believe in Him as their Lord, yes believe in Him as their King
Yes believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and so allowing Him to come in.
Yes into their lives one day and this my friend includes you too
Whether or not this will ever happen, is now entirely up to you,
Now if this is what you want, it is up to you to callout to Him today
So if this is what you now want, then with me today say:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.

By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.

Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming my Saviour, my Lord and my King !

[ Neil Hodgson 3/12/2008 ]

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