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Amazing Grace !

Lord Your Grace is truly amazing
Without it we would live in fear,
For by Your Grace the veil has been rent
And to You we can now draw near.

Lord Your gift of Grace You’ve given in Love
To all who would receive from You,
The Hope of new Everlasting Life
For all who would acknowledge You as their Lord too.

Lord Your gift of Grace is truly amazing
And it is a free gift to all who like me,
Have opened their heart to accept You as their Lord
And in so doing have become eternally free.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 26/5/2004 ]




Lord Our Lives Will Wither !

Lord our lives will wither and fade away
If outside of God we so choose to stay,
But if we choose instead to so allow You in
Then within each of us a new life will begin.
Yes a new life that is everlasting
No longer under the bondage of death and sin,
Yes Life that is eternal, now thanks to Your Blood
You shed for us Lord on Calvary in Love.

To atone for our sin and so make a Way
For us Your Redeemed to enter in one day,
Into the Father’s Presence for all eternity
As a child of the King I can now thankfully.
Claim to now be through the Power of Your Word
As I stand steadfastly upon all my spirit has heard,
Your Holy Spirit minister into my being
As I exalt You Christ Jesus as my Lord and my King.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 6/7/2008 ]

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In The Refiner’s Fire My Lord !

Lord You have us all in the Refiner’s Fire
To so burn away all of the dross and mire,
Lord You so have us now in the Fire today
To burn all our filth and impurities away.
Until all You see is a reflection of Your Face
In us as we walk Lord in Your Grace,
Until all You see is a reflection of You
In all that we both say and do.
So Lord now do as You must today
To change us to become more like You we pray,
So that we may truly reflect my King,
Your Face Jesus our Lord in everything.
Yes everything we both do and say
Christ in every step along life’s way,
As we come to live first and foremost for You
With willing hearts ever faithful and true.

© [ Neil Hodgson 22/7/2008 ]


We’re to Not Fear Tomorrow !

For many people my Lord, life is simply a gamble
For they in no way know, what tomorrow may yet bring,
For every unbeliever lives daily, without Everlasting Hope
Yet we have that Hope in You, Lord Jesus Christ our King.

For now Lord Jesus Christ, the life that was once to us
Yes to Your children, indeed a gamble too,
Has become as we have so, allowed You into our lives
A life of Everlasting Hope and Promise through You.

Now as so much of the world, is in great turmoil
And they face with uncertainty, each and everyday,
Having put all their trust, in the ways of fallible man
They are fearful of what life, may yet bring their way.

Yet our knowing that You, are with us everyday Lord
We can face life’s journey, with a great strength and certainty,
As You are our Hope, our Strength and our Shield
Yes You’re our Life without end, from here to eternity.

Yes You are our Lord and You are our King too
And it is through You that we, the redeemed can now enter in,
Into Your Presence with a heart, of praise and thanksgiving
Daily our Lord Jesus Christ, Whose Peace is beyond our understanding.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 12/10/2008 ]



For Many People !

For many people Lord, life is without any hope
But thanks to our knowing You, as our Lord and our King
We live with the Hope, that comes from You and You alone
That enables us to rise up, by turning our back on sin,
Yes by our turning away, from all sin by faith
And in so doing claiming the Power, of Your Redeeming Blood
That You poured out, on Calvary's Cross one day
To wash us clean from sin's stain, in Your Mercy and Love.

Yes in Your Mercy and Your Love, poured out on the Cross
For all of the sin my Lord, of all fallen humanity,
Through Your Grace, Your truly Amazing Grace
That You poured out for everyone, including me.
So that every believer my Lord could then find True Rest
Yes find that place, by walking daily ever so close to You,
By faith Lord Jesus Christ, in their daily journey
And to Your Still Small Voice, remaining faithful and true.

© [ Neil Hodgson 15/4/2010 ]




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