God In Nature
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God In Nature
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As I Look At
The Break of The Day !
How people can say there is no God
I struggle to understand,
As I look on and marvel each day
At the work of His Loving Hands.
Very early on this summer morning
At the start of a fresh new day,
I watch with awe as the sky becomes lighter
And the darkness fades away.
Amidst the stillness as the day dawns
All around me I can now see,
The Work of God's Hand done in His love
Nature in all its beauty.
As I watch the sunlight fall upon my window
I look out at the break of day,
As the rays of sunlight filter through my
The once darkness has fled away.
As I look at the flora outside my window
I marvel at what I can see,
Its many forms, its shapes and colours
Nature in its abundant beauty.
As I look at the plants I can hear the birds
Singing in the tree nearby,
I marvel at their grace and true splendour
And the ease with which they do fly.
As I watch the birds now darting about
Busily doing all that they do,
I marvel at their skill and agility
It reminds so much Lord of You.
As I watch the wind blowing in the trees
And feel it blowing upon my face,
It reminds me of the presence of You Lord
As You keep us each day by Grace.
As I watch the sun rise above the horizon
I thank God for the new day now here,
That begins anew for us to each enjoy
Each day from year to year.
[ Neil Hodgson. 28/1/94 ]

The Break of A New Day !
So very early in the morning Lord
Before the break of day,
As darkness abounds on every side
I wonder for how long it will stay.
And as I look toward the east horizon
I see a glimmer of light,
As the sky takes on a very weak glow
As we near the end of the night.
Slowly the light becomes still stronger
And the darkness fades away,
And things once in darkness I now can see
As so begins the break of day.
It reminds me Lord of how I was in darkness
Before You helped me to see,
When You by Grace so revealed Yourself
Now long ago to me.
Like the light Lord that first appears
At the break of the day,
Through Hope that You've brought to me
That fear has gone away.
As time goes on and the light becomes stronger
And the darkness is no more,
I think of many of Your Promises to us
That Lord You still have in store.
As time goes on and we can see
Things more clear in ways,
I think of how in time Your Promises Lord
Will come to pass one day.
I'm reminded also of how in Your Mercy
You Lord so helped me to see,
Beyond the veil of death I once so feared
And in Love You set me free.
And now O Lord as I look unto You
To meet my needs I pray,
You fulfil Your Promises to me in Love
As now begins for me a new day.
A new day of Hope that comes from You
Amidst what I'm going through,
The darkness has gone since the break of day
As by faith I now look unto You.
[ Neil Hodgson. 14/6/94 ]

Onward He Goes !
I look on and marvel, at the ant ever so small,
Battling through the grass, that to him is so tall,
Carrying a vast load, many times larger too,
Than you would so imagine, he'd be able to do.
Yet onward he goes and never giving in,
If only in our life, we could be more like him,
His pathway may be likened, to our journey each day,
Its many ups and downs and obstacles along the way.
Yet as he presses onward, to where he's going to,
He's able to overcome and so able to do,
That which at a first glance, would seem impossible to face,
But through perseverance, is he able to embrace.
And soon put behind him, as onward he goes,
May we too be like him, each day as we grow.
May we become our Dear Lord, like that ant one day,
Who will never give up no matter, what life brings our way.
And press on like that ant, no matter the obstacles we face,
By leaning on You Lord daily, by standing on Your Word by faith.
[ Neil Hodgson. 9/12/94 ]
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise;
who, having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
provides her food in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest.
How long will you sleep, O sluggard? When will you arise out of your
Proverbs 6:6-9
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