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After The Rain !
Just after the Rain falls on the dry parched ground
Bringing new life forth where death did once abound,
May the Rain of Your Spirit fall deep within
Those who have failed to acknowledge you as King.
And as Lord over their lives, may the Rain wash away
The scales that have blinded their eyes everyday,
To see Your Presence in Your Creation Lord
To see Your Presence in Your Living Word.
May the Rain that falls, yes the Tears from Your Eyes
Bring an awakening so that they may come to realise,
That Lord You are real, that You want to be their Friend
As the dry parched land in their lives you bring to and end.
When they open the door of their hearts unto You
And so allow You into their lives as they come to learn to,
Cry out to You Christ, as their Lord and King
And say to You Jesus my Lord, You’re welcome to come in.
To become Lord of their lives, each and everyday
As they learn to walk in obedience to all Your Spirit does say,
Having been washed clean, refreshed and renewed
By the Rain of Your Spirit, that has been poured out by You.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 18/1/07 ]

My Lord Your Majesty
My Lord Your Majesty, I behold before me
The land, the sky, the crystal blue sea,
My Lord Your Majesty, I behold today
Along the coastline, west towards Torbay.
My Lord Your Majesty, I look upon in awe
As I behold your beauty all along the shore,
The lapping waves, the towering cliff face
That reminds me of Your Love, your Mercy and Grace.
As I see Your Majesty in all I behold before me
As I see Eclipse Island rising out of the sea,
I sense Your Presence with me throughout the day
As I behold Lord Your Majesty, looking in awe across the bay
As I sense Your Majesty in all I behold before me
As I sense Your Majesty in all I before me see,
As I sense Your Majesty all throughout the day
As I behold Your awesome beauty across the bay.
As I sense Your Majesty in the sea, sky and land
I know You’re with me, always close at hand,
I sense Lord Your Presence in all that I see
As I look at Your Creation and behold Your Majesty.
[ Neil Hodgson.
23/2/2008 ]
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Lord Your Majesty !!!
O Lord Your Majesty, I see spread out before me
O Lord Your Majesty, the land, the sky and the sea,
O Lord Your Majesty, spread out everywhere before me
O Lord Your Majesty, in all that my eyes can see.
O Lord Your Majesty, in all Your Creation my Lord
O Lord Your Majesty, in Your Holy Living Word,
O Lord Your Majesty, that I behold everyday my King
O Lord Your Majesty, with praise and thanksgiving.
[ Neil Hodgson 13/5/2008 ]

Lord Your Pelicans !!!
Lord as Your Pelicans in all their beauty
Soar today high in the sky above me,
They speak to me of all Your Wonders
In Your Creation, Your Majesty.
Lord as Your Pelicans in all their beauty
Soar upon the wind currents high above,
They clearly speak to me of Your Glory
And the wonders of Your Unfailing Love.
Lord as Your Pelicans in all their beauty
Soar in the sky so majestically,
They speak to me of Your Majesty my Lord
And of Your Amazing Grace and Abundant Mercy.
© [ Neil Hodgson 13/10/2008 ]
A Truly Awesome God !
A truly Awesome God, a truly Awesome King,
I see Your Awesomeness in everything,
In all of Your Creation, Your Awesomeness I see
As I behold Your Creation Lord all about me
As I behold Your Majesty in the land, rivers and sea
As I behold Your Majesty in the animals, plants and trees,
As I behold Your Majesty in the birds as they sing
Songs of praise and glory to You Jesus Christ my King.
As I behold Your Majesty in the land, sea and sky
Whether off in the distance, or ever nearby,
As I behold Your Awesomeness, my Lord, Your Majesty
In all of Your Creation, I behold continually around me.
© [ Neil Hodgson.
6/10/2008 ]
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