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God’s Promises To Me!

When you My child are lonely, I will to you draw near
When you My child are sad, I will wipe away all your tears,
When you My child are troubled, I’ll take away all your fears
As to Me your Lord God each day, you by faith My child draw near.

 When you My child are weak, I will make you strong
When you My child are lost, I will guide you safely home,
When you My child are overwhelmed, I’ll enable you to cope
As in Me your Lord God each day, you put all your trust and hope.

 When all you see is seeming darkness, I will daily be your Light
Yes I will before you My child, shine ever, yes ever so bright,
For I will be a Beacon, I will light up your life’s pathway
I will be your Lighthouse, shining out across the bay.

 To give you your daily bearings My child, to lead you into safety
To show you all the lurking dangers, to lead you back to Me,
To guide you along life’s pathway, so you may thereby enter in
Forevermore into My Presence, through your Lord Jesus Christ your King.

 Yes forevermore into My Presence, through My Son your Lord Jesus Christ
Yes into communion with Me and Him, for the rest of your life,
Not as a mortal being, but forever as a child of the King
To partake of all of My Promises and of Life that’s Everlasting.

  Neil Hodgson. 28/4/2010  As I believe was truly inspired by the Holy Spirit. Amen!!!


To Fulfil My Calling !

To fulfil my calling, to fulfil my destiny
Is Lord my burning desire within me,
To fulfil my calling, on my life in You
Is my longing desire, my Lord to do.
Only that which is according to Your Plan
Aligned with Your Word, as by faith I stand,
Accountable before you, for all You’ve bestowed on me
All my strengths and weaknesses, all my abilities.
Which You’ve bestowed upon me, so I may unto You
Bring You Glory and Honour, in all that I do,
Bring You Praise and Thanksgiving, in all that I say
As I fulfil my destiny, daily in You Lord I pray.

[ Neil Hodgson. 15/3/2008 ]

I Believe !

I believe in my Father God, the Creator of all things
I believe in my Lord Jesus Christ, His Son Who is my King,
I believe in the cleansing power of Christ’s truly Precious Blood
That He poured out on Calvary’s Cross, for me in His Unfailing Love.
I believe that He died for you, I believe that He died for me
I believe that He died on the Cross, for all of lost humanity,
Yet I believe He rose from the grave, having defeated death’s painful sting
As our Saviour Who in His Love, redeemed all Creation from sin!
So Praise be to our Father God,  Praise be to Christ our King
To Him be all Glory and Honour, with a heart of thanksgiving,
Throughout everyday continually, wherever I may happen to be
For His Unfailing Love and Amazing Grace, for His Boundless Mercy!


Who Are We To Say ???

Who are you, who am I, who is anyone to say
That they have no need for God and that they can each day,
Cope with life no matter what, to them life may so bring
And deny that God is for real and that there is such a thing as sin.
How can anyone in their wisdom, claim to understand and know
Yes to where by their intellect, they’ve come from and where they’ll go,
When they take their last breath, as will happen one day indeed
Yet while still alive deny there’s a God and to Him fail to heed.

For man has by his own intellect concluded that out of nothing one day
Came forth life as we so know it and has the audacity to say,
That they were not created, but out of once nothing, simply evolved
And claim’s that by man’s own ability, all problems can be resolved.
That they were not created, in the beginning by God above
That they were not created, by Him our Creator in Love,
That they were not created, to with Him live for eternity
How can man be so foolish, to say in his wisdom this cannot be.

For the Truth is that because of sin, their eyes are blinded today
To the fact that back to God, there is today only one Way,
That Way is through Jesus Christ, who died for you and me on Calvary
And in our hands we each have the choice, to choose our destiny.
Be it to go our own way today and so deny He died for all our sin
Be it to follow the ways of man rather than, accept Jesus as both Lord and King
Be it back to our Abba Father, to abide with Him for the rest of eternity
If you too so want to become a child of God today, then say this with me:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.

By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.

Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

Neil Hodgson 2/5/2009


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