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God Works In Ways !
God does not expect us in life, in all that we go through,
To alone face the tests and trials each day, for He Loves both me and
God knows the limit of what we can bear, in all that He allows us to
As He in His Love watches over us daily, upholding us each day by His
God will make a way for us all, as we daily lean on Him more,
As in all that we come to go through, He our Lord has gone before.
God will make a way in our lives, where there seems to be no way,
Through all that we each come to face, in our life day by day.
May we trust Him, no matter what, we confront face to face,
As He loves and cares for us all and covers us by His Amazing Grace.
God works in ways that we at times, truly find hard to understand,
Yet through it all He will help us daily, as we hold onto His Hand.
As we so hold onto His Hand by faith, trusting that as we do
He will be with us all the time, in all that life takes us through,
He will never allow us to have to bear, more than we can ever endure
And as we hope and trust in Him, our every step He will make sure.
©[ Neil. Hodgson. 26/12/93 ]
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning
Star !
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning Star, all that we have, we lay at Your
In faith and trust that day by day, our needs O Lord You will so meet,
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning Star, You bring forth streams in the
desert place,
Streams of Hope and streams of Blessing, as You carry us on in Love by
Your Grace.
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning Star, You bring forth streams in the
desert land,
Streams of Refreshing and streams of Joy, as You uphold us daily in Love
by Your Hand,
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning Star, You bring forth streams in the
desert each day,
Streams of Life that is Everlasting, as by us You daily Christ do stay.
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning
Star, as we pour out our hearts unto You,
We desire to praise and worship You Lord, as for this You truly are due,
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning Star, may we grow into Your likeness
each day,
May Your Thoughts become our thoughts Lord and Your Ways become our
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning Star, amidst all that You so take us
May Your Life so shine through ours O Lord, as we become we pray ever
more like You,
Wonderful Saviour, Bright Morning Star, You are always Jesus Christ our
In the wilderness place You meet our every need, You are both our
Eternal Lord and King.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 29/6/94 ]
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Out of The Earthen Clay !
Moulded daily into Your Image, more and more every day,
Are we by Your Hands O Lord, as You work carefully upon the clay,
You work upon the earthen vessels, we each dwell in as we grow,
With their many imperfections, that in time will eventually go.
You daily work in each of us Lord, to mould us each to become,
More, yes much more like You, each different but yet one,
As You caringly work in us we wonder, Lord, why must You daily do,
The things You so do in our lives, to make us more like You.
For at times we are so limited, as to what we can yet see,
All the while walking on in Hope and seeking to serve You faithfully,
And overtime we come to know , why things were that way,
As we see the near finished workmanship, clearer day by day.
And eventually we'll be able to say, Thank You Lord for all You've done,
In moulding us each into Your Image and making us all as one,
For moulding us Lord each out of Love, for working on us each day,
To make us vessels of Honour to You, out of the once earthen clay.
© [ Neil Hodgson. 26/3/95 ]
Vessels Of Clay !
Lord You turned the water into wine, within the vessels of clay,
This was the first of many such miracles, that still go on today,
For we too are each a living miracle, created by our Father's own Hands,
Each with a purpose, unique and important, in the eyes of God, who with
us does stand.
Lord as we drink of the Water of Your Word, yes drink of it more every
So that water will be turned into wine, within us Your vessels of clay.
Vessels Lord who You desire to use, if we're willing to yield unto You,
By the leading of the Holy Spirit each day, in all that we say and we
Lord may we daily walk and abide in You and allow You to mould us each
As vessels of honour to shine forth in Your likeness, from what once,
were vessels of clay.
Yes from us who were vessels of clay, into vessels of honour our King
Yes vessels of honour to You Lord Jesus Christ, no longer stained with
© [ Neil Hodgson. 26/3/95 ]
Your River of Life O Lord
Along the valley floor Your
River of Life Lord flows
Bringing refreshing wherever it goes,
As from the Mountain of Love it is fed every day
To bring renewed Hope along its way.
Meandering back and forth towards the coastal plain
To bring relief from life's daily strain,
Wherever it goes as it heads onward to the sea,
Touching as it goes all of humanity.
Bringing Eternal Life as it journeys toward the bay
To all those it touches along its winding way,
For which dear Lord I give thanks unto You
The praise and honour which You Lord are due.
For the Hope that You bring us as You journey along
Washing over us and so making us strong,
For the cleansing of our lives the renewing you bring
As our River of Life, our Saviour, Lord and King.
Neil Hodgson. 1/9/96 ]
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I am the Door, I am
the Gateway !
I am the only Door, I am the only Gateway
By which each and everyone may enter in,
Into Eternal Life if they should by faith choose
To acknowledge Me as both their Lord and King.
If they should accept My Love, My Mercy and Grace
If they should choose to cry out to Me one day,
If they should choose to cry out to Me by faith
And so acknowledge that indeed I am the only True Way.
That I am the Truth, that I am the Life that’s Eternal,
That I went in Love for You, to the Cross of Calvary
To Redeem you back to our Father God, from sin with My Blood
If you want me to become your Lord today, then proclaim this to Me:
As I truly believe was
inspired by the Holy Spirit. AMEN
confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.
Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!
Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My
King today. AMEN !!!
[ Neil Hodgson 7/4/2009]
If you have decided to give
your heart to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
Praise The Lord
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