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You Are My God !

You are my God, yes You are my all, whether in the valleys deep or upon the mountains tall,
You are my Lord, You are my King and because of this fact I so love to sing.
Words of true Praise and Honour unto You, Words that will bring You the Glory You are due,
Words that will exalt and never ever bring shame, to You Jesus Christ my Lord, to Your Holy Name.

[ Neil Hodgson. 25/9/2008 ]

I Am Blessed !

I am blessed, I am blessed, yes my Lord Jesus, it is true,
I am blessed to have You as my Lord, yes I am blessed to so have You,
As my Friend Who daily walks with me, wherever life takes me so
I am blessed to know You are with me, wherever I happen to go.
I am blessed, I am blessed, yes my Lord Jesus, it is true,
I am blessed to have You as my Lord, yes I am blessed to so have You,
As my guide to direct my steps, as my Light to light up my pathway
I am blessed to know You are with me, every moment of the day.

[ Neil Hodgson. 26/9/2008 ]


I Am Being Transformed!

I am being transformed, yes my mind renewed, I am being changed and made to be more like You,
Jesus Christ my King, Jesus Christ my Lord, a little more each day, as I feed upon Your Word,
I am being transformed, yes changed, renewed, into a clean vessel, to be inhabited by You,
Jesus Christ my Lord, Jesus Christ my King, a vessel that will daily, bring praise and thanksgiving.
To our Abba Father, who sent You in His Love, down to us upon earth from Heaven above,
To redeem us by Your Precious Blood from sin, Jesus Christ my Lord, Jesus Christ my King.

 © [ Neil Hodgson. 27/9/2008 ]

Thank You Today Lord !

Thank You today Lord Jesus Christ Your Majesty, that You chose to, for all of lost humanity,
As the Son of God, become the Son of man and against the powers of sin and darkness take a stand,
Yes Your Majesty, Lord Jesus Christ my King, by Your taking upon Yourself all of mankind’s sin,
And in so doing, forever defeat Satan’s stronghold for me, yes defeat his stronghold over all of humanity.
Yes by destroying upon Calvary's Cross deaths’ sting, when You shed Your Blood in Love as atonement for our sin,
So that we who are unholy, could My Lord through You, be made Holy and Sanctified, to then again enter into,
The presence of our Abba Father, Sanctified and Holy, through the Redeeming Power of Your Blood on Calvary
Yes Your Majesty Your truly Precious Blood, You shed on the Cross, for Your Creation in Love.

 © [ Neil Hodgson. 5/10/2008



As Lord I Encounter !

As Lord I encounter every mountain I pray, for wisdom and strength, in what I there do and say,
So that in my doing, Your Name will truly be, glorified and exalted, by what Lord flows out of me,
As I tackle every mountain, by Lord Your enabling and not in my own ability, Lord Jesus Christ my King,
In a way that will cause, that mountain to fade away, as I stand upon Your Word, my Lord night and day.
Never ever seeking I pray, to bring myself the Glory, but unto You Jesus alone, wherever I may so happen to be,
In every situation and in every circumstance that I face, as You uphold me in Your Arms of truly Amazing Grace,
As You uphold me in Your Love and Your Mercy, as I stand upon Your Word daily, by faith steadfastly,
In order that I too may, become a Light upon the hill, to reflect Your Light Jesus, as I Christ walk in Your Will.

As I walk in Your Will Lord and not mine I do pray, with my spirit yielded, to Your Spirit all of the way,
So that in my doing , what all others shall see, is Your Life and Your Love, daily flowing out of me,
In a way that will challenge them, to search their hearts too and in their so doing I pray, cry out Lord unto You,
And welcome You into their lives, daily with thanksgiving, as they accept You I pray, as their Lord and their King.
So please keep me guarded, in all that I do and say, so that Your Name daily, I shall glorify I pray,
In every situation, yes in every mountain I embrace, so that flowing forth out of me, will be Your Love, Mercy and Grace,
In a way that will soften, those Lord with a hard heart, as You I pray through me, shall into their lives impart,
A portion of Yourself, that will change them into being, a people that will forever, praise and honour You too my King.

© [ Neil Hodgson 28/10/2008 ]

How People Can In Anyway Say ?

How people can in anyway say, that there is no God, to me is bewildering, yes to me seems so odd,
Because of the fact that I see You all about me, in all of Your Creation everyday continually.
In all of Your Creation in all its intricacies, in all of Your Creation no matter where I may be,
My Lord it saddens me and I know it does You too, to know that many who are blinded to the Truth shall never know You.
As their God Who so loved them that You sent Your only Son, Lord Jesus Christ to fight the battle, so that the victory could be won,
By the Power of His Blood, over the death’s terrible sting, by the Power of His Blood, as atonement for all man’s sin.

 © [ Neil Hodgson 30/10/2008 ]

Before The Beginning Of Time !

Before the beginning, of time my Father God, it was meant that everyone, You created should be,
Children of Yours, our dearly beloved Father, not just for a moment, but for all eternity,
Before the beginning, of time my Father God, Your determined to, in every person instil,
The choice as whether, or not to enter in, to that relationship, by choice through free will.
Before the beginning, of time my Father God, before I was intimately, created by Your Hand,
You had I know so, determined the path I should trod, if I am willing, according daily to Your Plan.
Please help me my Lord, to never forget my God, I am Your child, through Jesus Christ my King,
I am Your child, having been in Your unfailing Love, by His Most Precious Blood, redeemed from sin.
By His most Precious Blood, shed for us in Love, by His most Precious Blood, shed for us in Mercy,
By His most Precious Blood, shed for us in Grace and for all humanity, upon the Cross of Calvary.

© Neil Hodgson. 30/10/2008


Awake, Awake, My Child I Say Awake !!!

Awake, awake, My child I say awake
Awake today My child and so allow Me to be
Yes Lord of your life, again My child
By your again turning to Me from sin and yielding to Me.

By your turning away from, the ways of the world
That are only leading you, to destruction and despair,
By your again turning to Me, as your Saviour and Friend
And as your Lord and Redeemer, Who will forever be there.

As your daily guide to direct, the very path that you’re to trod
As your Provider daily, to so supply all of your needs,
As both your Lord and your King day and night
As to My Word daily, you do willingly heed.

To become a child of My Father God and no longer a child of sin
A child of My Father God for eternity, through Me as your Lord and King,
Which I will become for you, if you will turn to Me again today
And by faith allow Me Jesus Christ, to this day again enter in.

To become a child of My Father forever, by My Blood redeemed
Back to the Father through Me, My child for eternity,
Delivered forever from death’s sting and the stain of all sin too
If this is what you so today want, then proclaim this to Me:

                                                                                                                                                [As I truly believe was inspired by the Holy Spirit. AMEN]

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

[ Neil Hodgson 8/4/2009 ]


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