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Thank You Lord !

Thank You Lord for Your Mercy, thank You Jesus for Your Grace
Thank You Christ that you went to Calvary, my Lord and King to embrace,
Satan and His Army upon the Cross, the sting of death that very day
When You shed Your Blood in Love, to wash all of mankind’s sin away.
Thank You Lord for Your Goodness, thank You Jesus for Your Love
Thank You Jesus that You made a Way, through the Power of Your Blood,
Now we who were once in bondage, You have set free from all sin
From the sting of death we’ve been delivered, by You our Lord and King.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 11/11/2008 ]

Jesus Christ You Are !

Jesus Christ You are indeed the same today, yesterday and forevermore it is true,
May we be always mindful of this truth my Lord, despite the time of the day, or the place we’re in too.
Jesus Christ You are indeed the same today, You’re Love is unconditional and is without end,
Your Grace is amazing and Your Mercy is without measure, You’re my Redeemer, my Lord, My King and my Friend.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 12/11/2008 ]

So Great, So Wondrous Lord !

So great, so wondrous, Lord Your faithfulness to me
My Lord, my King, my Jesus Christ of Calvary,
So great, so wondrous, Lord Your faithfulness everyday
For You are the Truth, You are the Life and the Way.
So great, so wondrous, Lord Your faithfulness it is true
As I commit all my desires, my thoughts and plans unto You,
You will mould me and create in me a heart that will bring
Glory and Honour to Your Name, with Praise and Thanksgiving.

© [ Neil Hodgson 13/11/2008 ]

I Am An Heir Lord !

I am an heir of Your Father, yes joint heir with You God’s Son
Yes an heir of all Your Promises, bequeathed to me when Lord You won,
At Calvary victory over death, at Calvary victory over sin
When by Your Blood You paid the ransom, so that we could then by faith begin.
To take a hold of Your Promises and of Your Treasures awaiting
All who would claim their rightful inheritance, by proclaiming You as King,
By proclaiming You as their Redeeming Lord and Saviour Who has set them free,
To become rightful heirs of the Father, as God’s children for all eternity.

© [ Neil Hodgson 13/11/2008 ]

I Am Indeed My Lord !

I am indeed Your child my Lord, I have had bequeathed to me
My adoption papers through Your Word, presented to me at Calvary,
I am indeed Your child my King, I am a joint heir now with You
Of the treasures of eternal life, this very fact I know my Lord is true.
I am indeed Your child my King, my inheritance lies in You today,
May I never forsake my inheritance my Lord, my I never from You turn away,
But may I my Lord remain sure and steadfast, with my eyes forever upon You
Yes You and Your Ways, not the ways of man and remaining to You ever faithful and true.

© [ Neil Hodgson 13/11/2008 ]

Thank You My Lord !

Thank You my Lord for my inheritance, that You have bequeathed unto me
The inheritance that I can my Lord, rightfully claim through Calvary,
Yes I can claim by faith through the Cross, as having been bequeathed to me through Your Blood,
That You shed as an atonement for My sin, in Your Grace, Your Mercy and Your Love.
Thank You my Jesus for Your Love, thank You my Jesus for Your Grace
Thank You Jesus for Your ever Unfailing Mercy, thank You for the Hope I now embrace.
Thank You Jesus Christ my King, thank You today for redeeming me from sin
Thank You Jesus Christ for setting me free and for my inheritance through You for eternity.

© [ Neil Hodgson 13/11/2008 ]

 I Thank You My Lord, My Christ !!!

I thank You my Lord, I thank You my Christ, for Your forever watching over me
Throughout my life and not just on occasions, but my Lord everyday continually,
Since I was first ever in my mothers womb, up until now this very present day,
You have watched over and have kept me safe, my Lord what more can I now say?
Except again a deep thank You my Jesus, for Your keeping me safe night and day,
For Your never giving up on me my Lord, for being with me all of the way.
Whether it has been in deep dark valleys, where You have been my only true light,
Or climbing the highest mountains with You, as in You I have so come to delight.

As in Your Presence I so come to delight, no matter what the circumstance is that I face,
As I know my Lord You daily delight in me and uphold me in Your Arms of Amazing Grace.
Yes You uphold me in Your Arms of Your Unconditional Love and everyday in Your Arms of Unfailing Mercy,
And now I can walk in victory in every situation, as I stand upon Your Word by faith steadfastly.
Knowing now I able to soar high above the troubles, that are to be found in the world today,
Upon the Wings of Your Spirit my Lord, may I never forget to thank You I pray.
May I never forget to give You the true Glory, in all that my Lord I both say and do,
By living everyday I pray with a truly humble heart, a yielded spirit and my mind ever focussed on You.

© [ Neil Hodgson. 16/12/2008 ]

Salvation Is Free !!!

Salvation is indeed a free gift from God
For everyone upon earth to receive,
It cannot be earned, but only claimed by faith
By everyone who would so come to believe.
That Jesus Christ is indeed, God’s Precious Son
That Jesus Christ bore in Love, all of mankind’s sins,
Upon the Cross of Calvary, in His Mercy one day
So that we the redeemed, could by Grace enter in.

Into the Presence of God, our Creator one day
As children of God and no longer of sin,
Having been redeemed from sin, at Calvary’s Cross
By the Blood of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Lord and King.
For Jesus Christ our Lord, bore in His Love and Mercy
The sin of all of humanity, indeed it is true,
Their is no one upon earth, that He did not die for
And so my friend, that also includes you.

Salvation is indeed a free gift from God
It is now here and ready, for your taking,
All you have to do is to call out to Jesus
And by faith today, so invite Him to come in.
Yes into your life from this day on my friend
Yes from this day on and for all of eternity,
If this is what you want and are seeking after today
Then my friend I urge you, say these words now with me:

I confess I am a sinner Jesus, yes today it is true
There is no other way to salvation, other than the Cross through You
I confess I am a sinner my Jesus, forgive me of my sin I pray
I claim my salvation by Your Blood and now unto You I say.

Please come into my life Jesus, to become my Lord
Please come into my life today, Christ to be my King,
Please come into my life today, for I am a sinner indeed
And only You can set me free, forevermore from my sin.
By the Power of Your Blood, You shed for me in Love
Upon the Cross of Calvary, where You bore my sin one day
Please come into my life to fill up the emptiness within
Yes please come into my life now, so that I may, I pray.
Begin my new life in You my Lord, as a child of God today
Washed clean by Your Blood, from the power of all sin,
A new life in You, forevermore My Lord Jesus Christ
From now on and forever, as a child of the King. AMEN !!!

Thank You my Jesus, Thank You for becoming My Saviour, My Lord and My King today !!!

© [ Neil Hodgson 5/5/2009 ]

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